Urgent public meeting to address brutal murders in Swakopmund

Niël Terblanché

To address the alarming rise in crime in the Mondesa area, the regional management of the Namibian Police in the Erongo Region will hold a crucial public meeting at the Multi-Purpose Centre of Swakopmund on Thursday.

This meeting comes after a disturbing pattern of brutal murders, with at least one occurring each weekend over the past month, prompting concern among residents and law enforcement.

The latest incident occurred early on Sunday morning, according to Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, the head of the community affairs sub-division in the region.

The incident involved a violent altercation at the Strong Bar in Mondesa.

According to Shapumba, a group of six individuals, including the deceased, 23-year-old Angolo John Matokolo, were on their way home after visiting local drinking spots when a conflict arose.

“Following a scuffle near their parked taxi, Matokolo was fatally stabbed in the chest with an unknown object,” he said.

According to reports that were gathered from bystanders, the altercation escalated when two women from the group stepped away, only to return and find the taxi surrounded by a large group of men.

Concerned for the safety of the vehicle, the driver exited to intervene, but tensions flared, leading to stone-throwing and a subsequent accident as another occupant attempted to move the car to safety.

During the chaos, Matokolo came under attack and suffered fatal injuries. His violent death has shocked the community and brought the urgent need for action into the spotlight.

Shapumba said that in addition to this incident, two other murders have occurred in the past two weekends, each with its own unique circumstances.

These events have darkened the weekends at Mondesa, leading to heightened fears and calls for increased security measures.

In response, the Police Regional Management has initiated a study to identify crime hotspots and underlying causes in the area.

Shapumba said that Thursday’s public meeting aims to engage the community in discussions about crime prevention and safety measures.

The police are urging all community members to attend, which stresses the importance of collaboration between law enforcement and the public.

Shapumba stressed the need for community support in ongoing investigations, urging residents to remain calm and cooperate with the police to restore law and order.

He said that the meeting will provide a platform for exchanging ideas and implementing preventative measures to combat the rising crime rates at Mondesa.

According to Shapumba, the collaboration between the police and the community will be vital in creating a safer environment for all residents.

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