UDF Elective congress ends in disarray

Niël Terblanché

The United Democratic Front (UDF) found itself in turmoil at its highly anticipated elective congress held in Swakopmund on Saturday, as party members were left without crucial financial reports and the opportunity to question outgoing leaders.

The event marked the UDF’s first congress in a decade, following its last gathering in 2013.

The primary agenda item on the congress’s docket was the election of a new leadership, but the proceedings quickly took an unexpected turn.

All party structures were dissolved by the Congress before any reports were presented, causing consternation among the party faithful.

Outgoing president Apius Auchab also failed to present his report, raising further concerns.

The absence of financial reports left many members feeling disheartened and frustrated. The delegates didn’t receive the reports before the congress, and they expected to get it at the congress.

The delays in holding the congress, as well as the last-minute venue change, were viewed by some as deliberate stalling tactics by the outgoing leadership. The congress was originally slated for 2022 but did not materialize, and it was postponed again last year without explanation.

Initially, the 2024 congress was scheduled to take place in Otjiwarongo but was moved to Swakopmund just days before the event. The absence of transparency and accountability has cast a shadow over the UDF, leaving many members questioning the party’s commitment to its democratic processes.

With no new leadership elected and numerous unanswered questions, the UDF faces an uncertain future as it attempts to rebuild and regain the trust of its members in the wake of this tumultuous congress.

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