Teenager commits suicide

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

Rehoboth was the site of a tragic event on Monday, when a 12-year-old boy, Jean Romeo Möwes, committed suicide by hanging himself with a gown rope.

According to the Spokesperson of the Namibian Police, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shiwkambi, his grandmother discovered his body in the toilet, hanging from a gown belt attached to the burglar bar of the window.

Despite efforts to resuscitate him, emergency personnel declared him dead at the scene.

“The locked door was kicked open and efforts were made to resuscitate him, but he was declared dead by the emergency personnel,” she said.

She added that the circumstances surrounding the teenager’s suicide remain unknown, and no suicide note was found.

Meanwhile, in Opuwo, an attempted arson took place on Sunday, at the Ohakane Petrosal filling station.

It is alleged that a 29-year-old man attempted to set the gas pump ablaze.

It was reported that the suspect came to the filing station and found a security officer sitting outside and then requested to see the manager and the officer asked the suspect to accompany him.

The suspect, after refusing to accompany a security officer to meet the manager, lit a match and threatened to ignite the pump.

“Upon arrival, the officer found the suspect lighting a match and pointed it to the fuel pump. The officer asked what the suspect was trying to do and the suspect warned the officer not to come closer or else he would set the pump on fire. By then the manager, other security officers and community members came and as the suspect lit the second match, they managed to grab him and call the police,” Shikwambi said.

In a separate incident in Khorixas at Damara Mopane Lodge two armed suspects allegedly robbed a South African couple, who were in the bathroom at the time.

“The suspects took cash amounting to N$500 and various valuables, including a Xiaomi smartphone, a Lenovo Y510 laptop, a laptop bag, a Seagate external hard drive, a wallet, shoes, rings and a smartwatch. The total value of the stolen items is estimated at N$51,500. As of now, no arrests have been made, and investigations into the robbery are ongoing,” Shikwambi said.

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