
Covid testing and tourism

The hard-hit tourism sector has pushed the Ministry of Environment and Tourism to support new wording in the Covid restrictions for entering visitors. The Ministry has agreed to review the regulations regarding when the 72-hour Covid-free test must be done for tourists. It seems the current language regarding entry restrictions for tourists that is applicable until 15 September says arriving tourists must present a test result that is no older than 72 hours from the date the test was taken. The tourism industry in Namibia appears to want the rule’s language adjusted to say that an acceptable test result must…
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Tourism vs potential health risk

The state of emergency has ripped the rug from under the global tourism industry, including Namibia. The industry went toe-to-toe with Tyson Fury (the pandemic) and has been knocked out in the first minute of the first round. It might be a mistake for the beleaguered industry to push for tourist arrivals regardless of international mandates to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. The nation listened to the pleas from the hospitality, travel, and tourism sector. The nation empathizes with the industry's struggle to stay in business during this unprecedented health emergency. Recent reports about their position don’t sound good.…
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Tourism industry dying while waiting for bailout

Tourism industry dying while waiting for bailout

…30,000 jobs can be lost if government money does not arrive on time Staff Writer The government is yet to avail the N$400 million promised to the country’s tourism sector as a subsidy. It has been three weeks since the Finance minister Iipumbu Shiimi, made an announcement pledging the multi-million dollar bailout for the hospitality, travel and tourism sector. The funds, according to Shiimi were aimed at providing a subsidy to players in the hard-hit tourism sector. This financial support would allow them to retain jobs with the industry. Tourism has been brought to a grinding halt as a result…
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Tourism is too big to fail . . . banks must step up in this time of crisis

Tourism is too big to fail . . . banks must step up in this time of crisis

The financial crisis that the country has experienced over the last three years is heightened for the tourism sector due to COVID-19. The sector is drowning right now with a lockdown and closed borders. There will be major business contractions in 2020; this is unavoidable. But, some industries are “too big to fail”. Tourism (including restaurants/cafes, professional hunting and communal conservancies) is one of them. The banks must take the lead, along with government and the private sector, to make tangible, well-considered bailout plans to save the stronger parts of the industry before it is too late. We note that…
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Namibian tourism industry hit hard by virus

Namibian tourism industry hit hard by virus

Clementine Tjameya The Namibian tourism industry is experiencing an unprecedented crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The country is now in virtual lockdown following the declaration of a State of Emergency this week by President Hage Geingob. This move became necessary after two Romanian tourists entered the country two weeks ago and brought Covid-19 with them. A near comprehensive travel ban is now in effect, including restrictions on some border posts with South Africa, the country’s main trading partner. The troubles experienced by the hospitality, tourism and travel industry are due to Namibia’s pre-emptive actions to protect public health as…
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