No government or ruling party lasts forever – Venaani

No government or ruling party lasts forever – Venaani

Stefanus Nashama The Popular Democratic Movement’s (PDM) leader, McHenry Venaani believes the reign of Swapo will not last forever. He made the remarks while addressing a PDM mega rally at Nkurenkuru on Saturday. “There is no loyalty to the Namibian people. However, ladies and gentlemen, let me remind you: no government or ruling party lasts forever. The reign of Swapo shall not last forever either,” he said. Venaani claimed that the current government has been manipulating the country for a long time. “We must confront the undeniable reality that our communities have been manipulated for far too long,” he stated.…
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Where are the workers, do they ever matter to most Namibian political parties?

Where are the workers, do they ever matter to most Namibian political parties?

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Where are the workers and how do they feature on the Namibian political landscape. Not to mention if ever the political manifestos, for what they would be worth, most for that matter which are still outstanding, would in any way speak to the plight of Namibian workers and issues surrounding their wellbeing? Yours Truly Ideologically is prompted to pose this question with the Swapo Party of Namibia having emerged from its electoral college most recently. But of with its parliamentary list, with hindsight, conspicuous with regard to the absence of the representatives of the workers. Workers in Namibia,…
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An analysis of the ruling party of Namibia: 1990 – 2024

An analysis of the ruling party of Namibia: 1990 – 2024

Mulopo Siseho South West Africa People’s Organization (Swapo) is recognised as a freedom fighter party in Namibia. It has been the ruling party of Namibia since the country’s independence, winning all six democratic elections that have taken place in the country. It is then important to analyse this political party's trend, as it has built itself up to become a formidable pillar in Namibian politics, facing the upcoming presidential elections. Well, an optimistic observation is that it has been regarded by Namibians as a political party that fought hard for the independence of this country and has taken care of…
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Swapo suspends Otjozondjupa Coordinator

Swapo suspends Otjozondjupa Coordinator

Eba Kandovazu SWAPO has suspended its Regional Coordinator for Otjozondjupa, Susan Hikopua on allegations of abuse of party finances and properties for personal gain, among other claims. Hikopua, according to Clive Kavendjii, Otjozondjupa Information and Mobilisation officer, also orchestrated demonstrations against the leadership of the party in the region, and disregarded the party’s constitution. Kavendjii also alleges that Hikopua is sowing division among Swapo members in the region, and has thus been charged with insubordination towards the Regional Executive Committee. Kavendjii however adds that no criminal charges have been laid against Hikopua pertaining to the misappropriation of funds. Hikopua is…
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Fishcor Ex Boss exposes Swapo fishing quota benefits

Fishcor Ex Boss exposes Swapo fishing quota benefits

Eba Kandovazu DESPITE the ruling party denying that it benefited from Namibia’s biggest fishing corruption, former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of State-owned National Fishing Corporation of Namibia (Fishcor), Mike Nghipunya, says the party benefited by receiving N$44 million from fishing quotas in 2017. This payment, he says was paid directly to Swapo. Nghipunya was testifying in the Windhoek High court today, in his bid to get bail. The State yesterday said he does not pose a flight risk. He is offering to pay N$ 200 000 for bail. In his testimony today, Nghipunya corroborates an audit report presented to him…
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LPM wants Otjiwarongo top official booted out

LPM wants Otjiwarongo top official booted out

Staff Writer THE Landless People’s Movement (LPM) wants the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, to nullify the election of the Chairperson of Management Committee of the Otjiwarongo municipality, Gothard Hoko. In a strongly worded statement, LPM’s Deputy Leader and Chief Strategist, Henny Seibeb, says the election of Hoko (Swapo) was not procedural as his nomination was not seconded. He also urges the Ministry’s Executive Director, Daniel Nghidinua and Chairperson of the Magistrates’ Commission, Philanda Christiaan, to investigate and nullify “the illegal self-appointed and imposed" Chairperson of Otjiwarongo municipality's Management Committee.’ Hoko was nominated by Hilde Noreses (Swapo)…
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Swapo Headquarters completion a surprise

Swapo Headquarters completion a surprise

Swapo Party of Namibia Secretary General (SG), Sophia Shaningwa, says the completion of its headquarters is a surprise. Shaningwa says the party decided to keep the construction of its headquarters under wraps from the public. “We have taken the decision that when we are constructing it, it should be covered. So that you people cannot know what we are doing inside and the day when it opens, you see your surprise,” She states. She is tight lipped about the completion date saying “I don’t see any reason, why the Windhoek Observer should be concerned with regards to the completion of…
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Genocide agreement unlikely to be rejected … as analysts predict German apology embarrassment

Genocide agreement unlikely to be rejected … as analysts predict German apology embarrassment

Andrew Kathindi Despite groundswell sentiments against the genocide agreement between Namibian and German government s, it is and is ikely to succeed when it is brought to Parliament. “It is difficult to see it being rejected in Parliament unless Swapo members from the affected communities vote against it, which I don’t think is likely to happen as they would not wish to be seen as going rogue from the Party’s wishes,” says University of Namibia (Unam)’s Senior Lecturer and Political Analyst, Ndumba Kamwayah. Kamwayah says the only way the motion could possibly be rejected in Parliament is if a secret…
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Shaningwa ignores Geingob’s orders

Shaningwa ignores Geingob’s orders

Staff reporter It is alleged that Swapo Secretary-General, Sophia Shaningwa, continues to defy an order issued by President Hage Geingob to apologise to Okorukambe district coordinator, Frans Murangi, for having removed him from his position in 2017, in place of another candidate despite the ruling party having endorsed his election. The matter arises after Murangi was summoned before the Swapo party politburo earlier this year after being deemed disruptive in the region by Shaningwa. Murangi, however, explained to Geingob that he had been endorsed and appointed by the politburo in 2017 but a delegation led by Shaningwa had instead appointed…
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Capitalism versus Democracy a paradigm shift to Monopoly/Olygopoly versus one Party State

Issy Tjihoreko Introduction A lot of articles have been written about the concept capitalism and democracy as well as monopoly/oligopoly. This piece of article is trying to diagnose the concept of capitalism vs democracy with a paradigm shift to monopoly/oligopoly versus one party state in Namibia. The article is attempting to scrutinise the current Namibian situation and how these concepts are impacting the nation daily. It appeared that before independence, our liberation movements especially SWANU and SWAPO advocated for the ideology of socialism and communism as a form of desirable systems that should be applicable to a free and independent…
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