State of Emergency

Artists on lockdown:  Jyz Yorke

Artists on lockdown: Jyz Yorke

Thandi Kawerama The State of Emergency has brought drastic changes to various industries in our country, and the music industry is no exception. Concerts, festivals and other forms of promotion have been cancelled in light of the global pandemic. Entertainers are facing challenges during the lockdown to get the exposure they need to reach their audiences. Local artist Jyz Yorke recently chatted with us, over the phone of course, about what he’s been up to during the State of Emergency, his future plans, and how he realized that creating your own community as an artist will keep you afloat even…
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Focus on the basic needs of the people

. . . anything else is noise Jackie W Asheeke COVID-19 is a game changer. Any business or individual thinking that all will snap back into pre-pandemic shape is delusional. The best thing to do is to lower your barriers against change and thank God you are alive. After that, we all must focus on the needs of the people and step-in to thwart the profiteers, conmen, hoarders, blindly selfish people and other vermin that feed off of other people’s misery. Food stores in Windhoek are raising prices in the middle of a State of Emergency. Government should take legislative…
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