
PDM Parliament hopefuls to approach court…as Parliament is set to open

PDM Parliament hopefuls to approach court…as Parliament is set to open

Andrew Kathindi With Parliament set to open in just over a week’s time, Lawyer Norman Tjombe has threatened to approach the courts to have his clients’ gazetted as Members of Parliament. This comes after a High Court ruling, delivered in July last year, ordered that Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) members Charmaine Tjirare, Reggie Diergaardt, Frans Bertolini, Yvette Araes, Mike Venaani and Tjekupe Maximilliant Katjimune be added to the opposition party parliamentary list, an order which is yet to be implemented. The High Court ruling had further ordered that a public gazette be published in that regard. “As a result of…
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Geingob instructs MPs – can they comply?

After reading the Swapo Party President’s speech to the class of MPs sitting in the current Parliament, we see a glimmer of something that has been dimmed for so long. In his well-written speech before Swapo MPs this week, Hage Geingob delivered brass tacks, internal political strategizing guidelines. His message was clear and on-point. The president’s insightful words included tactical strategies, marching orders for diligence, demands that MPs read and be informed and orders to stand together as an active party. He challenged opposition tactics and called for an end to the lackadaisical lethargy borne of 30 years of a…
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Stop using Nujoma – it exposes him

National icons must not be used to prop up the speeches of politicians who have no skill at oratory and little idea of how to make a strong verbal argument. Doreen Sioka, a Swapo MP, this week used excerpts from the book written by Founding President Sam Nujoma. She was making her party's points in Parliament. By doing this, she exposed the founding leader to rebuttal. She used the great man as her shield. Subsequently, the ‘Nujoma’ shield was hit with incoming spears from an instigated opposition. People will not genuflect and capitulate when they hear the name Nujoma. The…
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Parliamentary bout – round two

…as both sides forget that democracy is not easy Democracy is hard work. This week in Parliament, Speaker Peter Katjavivi, and LPM leaders Bernadus Swartbooi and Henny Seibeb forgot this. Each resorted to dictatorship, emotion and anger. The Speaker told two elected leaders to get out of the building. The two, Seibeb and Swartbooi, engaged in a goal-less diatribe, hurling personal insults at a citizen. To what end? Did their outburst create a single job? How is the drowning Namibian economy saved by that clash? In the Speaker’s case, there was a dangerous precedent set. Arguably, there was a misuse…
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Offer solutions, not drama

Comments by Landless People’s Movement (LPM) leader Bernadus Swartbooi calling for monthly $750 income grants for two years are unnecessary. Such pronouncements offer no solution, they only increase the drama. The new voices in the Parliament are the will of the Namibian people as democratically expressed at the ballot box last November. That vote was for increased debate and new ideas. The voters wanted competent challenges to the status quo of Swapo dominance in law-making that was not working. In light of the Finance Minister’s recent budget speech and statistics, anyone seriously demanding two years of N$750 per month payments…
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Drama in Parliament as Geingob delivers SONA

Drama in Parliament as Geingob delivers SONA

Staff Writer It was an eventful day in Parliament when President Hage Geingob delivered his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Thursday. The address unlike his previous addresses during his first administration did not go as smoothly, as opposition parties in Parliament interrupted him. At one stage, the President took his seat while the Speaker of the National Assembly, Peter Katjavivi brought the house to order. In his address, the President said he was aware of the challenges currently faced by Namibians due to the negative impact of COVID-19. “Fellow Namibians, I share in your anxieties. I understand…
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