Netumbo clique eyes dominance

Swapo ‘POT’ cooked a generational mix list

Swapo ‘POT’ cooked a generational mix list

Paul Shipale Despite conspicuous rumours and glaring headlines in the daily newspapers yelling ‘Netumbo clique eyes dominance’ and talks of ‘underground machinations to ensure that those who supported the party’s vice-president Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah at the 2022 congress dominate the upper half of the party’s parliamentary list’, the Swapo Party leadership has done its homework and listened to the cry of the nation clamouring for help, as some say, “the ‘pot’, which has been cooking and simmering for over 72 hours, burned many of the old guard and delivered a fresh meal of a mixed stew, one Swapo had yearn for…
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