National ICT Summit

Namibian youth urged to drive digital transformation

Namibian youth urged to drive digital transformation

Niël Terblanché Namibia is making good progress in its journey towards becoming a digitally inclusive society and through sustained collaboration and investment in ICT infrastructure and human capital, the country is ready to unlock the potential of the next generation of innovators. The eighth National ICT Summit held in Windhoek concluded on Wednesday with a call for young Namibians to take centre stage in the country’s digital transformation journey. The Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Modestus Amutse, stressed the essential role that the youth must play in shaping Namibia's future within the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector,…
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Namibia ready for digital revolution

Namibia ready for digital revolution

Niël Terblanché Namibia has already made substantial strides toward digital transformation, with both the public and private sectors embracing new technological advancements that will benefit all Namibians. While launching the eighth National ICT Summit in Windhoek, Emma Theofelus, the minister of information and communication technology, stressed that adapting to digital technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), is vital for the nation's sustainable economic development. The theme of the summit, "Building Resilience to 'Adapt or Die' in the Era of Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence (AI)," reflects the challenges facing Namibia in this rapidly evolving digital era. Theofelus stressed the need for…
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