Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo

Police introduce new directives for traffic law enforcement

Police introduce new directives for traffic law enforcement

Niël Terblanché The Namibian Police introduced a series of new traffic law enforcement directives aimed at improving road safety and increasing trust between the public and law enforcement officers. These measures, outlined in a circular issued on Thursday by the Inspector General of the Namibian Police, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, stress the importance of visibility, fairness, and discretion in traffic law enforcement practices. The directives come in response to numerous complaints from road users regarding unsafe practices by some traffic officers, particularly those rushing into roads to stop vehicles or positioning speed traps in concealed locations. Shikongo said that these…
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New police station costs N$71 million

New police station costs N$71 million

Stefanus Nashama The Namibian Police have spent over N$71 million on the construction of a new police station in Onkumbula in the Oshikoto Region. Speaking at the official opening of the Onkumbula police station on Monday, the Inspector-General of the Namibian Police Force, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, said the construction work of the station was finalized at the cost of over N$71 million. Shikongo yesterday told the Windhoek Observer that the funds were provided by the central government through the budget allocated to the Namibian Police. The police chief said many projects in the Oshikoto Region to build new police…
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