Katima Mulilo Raw Water Pipeline Replacement Project

New pipeline to increase water security and development in Katima Mulilo

New pipeline to increase water security and development in Katima Mulilo

Niël Terblanché NamWater has commissioned the Katima Mulilo Raw Water Pipeline Replacement Project, aimed at addressing the border town’s growing water needs. The project, fully funded by NamWater at a cost of N$10.56 million, was inaugurated on Tuesday by NamWater’s Chief Executive Officer, Abraham Nehemia. Nehemia said that the pipeline is a critical infrastructure investment that came as a timely intervention, ensuring a more reliable water supply for the town and its surrounding areas. The replacement project is a response to the rapid growth in Katima Mulilo’s population, which has surged from an initial 8 000 residents to over 45…
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