Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)

The Significance of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Africa

The Significance of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Africa

Tomas Nashongo Africa, with its vast and diverse population, continues to grapple with challenges such as poverty, which many can trace back to historical factors like colonialism and current issues related to governance and stability. However, in recent years, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has emerged as a transformative force, offering the continent a unique chance to confront these challenges and stimulate economic growth. The 4IR is defined by the integration of advanced technologies, including robotics, artificial intelligence (AI). This blend of technologies holds the promise of transforming entire industries in Africa. For instance, robotics could help address labor shortages,…
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Geingob appoints 4IR Task Force

Geingob appoints 4IR Task Force

Tujoromajo Kasuto President Hage G. Geingob has appointed an eight-member Task Force to harness opportunities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The Office of the Presidency in a media release says the inception of the Task Force is “informed by the fact that the world has undergone a paradigm shift with the convergence of technologies, requiring deeper understanding of the disruptive impact of 4IR on society. In establishing the Task Force, President Geingob is also fulfilling a commitment made during the 2021 State of the Nation Address.” “The 4IR Task Force is comprised of members drawn from academia, the private…
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