Erastus Uuton

AR inquires about unpaid wages at Goreangab housing project

AR inquires about unpaid wages at Goreangab housing project

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Affirmative Repositioning movement (AR) has raised concerns over alleged non-payment of workers' salaries at the 113 House Construction Project at Goreangab Dam Extension 4. In a letter dated 13 August, AR Khomas Regional Chairperson, Sem David called on the minister of urban and rural development, Erastus Uutoni, the minister of labour, industrial relations and employment creation, Utoni Daniel Nujoma, and City of Windhoek CEO Moses Matyayi, to address the matter urgently. David commended the government's and the City of Windhoek's efforts in completing the 113 houses, but he highlighted unresolved issues. “A total of 28 employees working…
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