
Bank Windhoek brings water closer to the community

Bank Windhoek brings water closer to the community

Staff Writer A team from Bank Windhoek led by the bank’s Executive Officer of Marketing and Corporate Communication Services, Jacquiline Pack, visited the Moses ǁGaroëb Constituency in Windhoek to assess the impact of water tanks donated to informal settlements around Windhoek. Capricorn Group and Bank Windhoek collaborated in donating 13 tanks, each with a capacity of 10 000 litres, to provide safe and clean water to residents. “As a connector of positive change, we believe that it is essential for us to take care of our community in which we operate. And with the COVID-19 pandemic, we thought it necessary…
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Let’s talk about alcohol shall we?

Jackie Wilson Asheeke A person drinking a beer could be arrested in Namibia. And yet, people with masks that only cover their mouths and not their noses (or wearing no masks at all), walk around like everything is fine. That is ridiculous. I submit that a gin and tonic (with extra ice, extra lemon, a twist of lime and two maraschino cherries) does not spread COVID-19. I am no scientist, but I feel pretty confident in my assertion. Someone should read the history of Prohibition in the USA in the 1930s. It didn’t work and the idea was dropped. In…
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Couch kitten: Don’t dump your friends

Wetumwene Shikage During this time when the world is greatly affected by the global pandemic COVID-19, restrictive measures have been put in place. These measures are not to cage us, they are to keep us safe. It is important to remember the people who keep you going and keep you happy or entertained. Our friends are people we have bonds of mutual affection outside work and home. A global pandemic should not weaken the bonds we have with the different friends we have. All of my friends are different from one another. Recognizing the friends you have is important so…
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NCCI takes aim at Banks

NCCI takes aim at Banks

Staff Writer The Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) has raised concern over relief measures offered by commercial banks. NCCI Chief Executive Officer Charity Mwiya speaking during a meeting with the Bank of Namibia (BON) Deputy Governor Ebson Uanguta, accused banks not delivering on promises made to assist businesses negatively affected by the effects of COVID-19. “For example banks are swift in offering debt servicing holidays, but that such offers preclude interest reduction. To add salt to injury by adding administrative charges, treating a payment holiday as a new loan or credit facility, in doing so expecting borrowers to…
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The COVID-19 #newnormal won’t be business as usual

Jan Coetzee Namibia, went into lockdown several weeks ago, our Government’s firm and swift response has so far kept the number of infections very low. Thankfully no deaths have been recorded either and Namibia may come out of this quite well. Certainly not discounting the damage to the economy or the closure of the schools and social activities that these necessary steps have caused. Eventually the economy will recover, kids will go back to school, but COVID-19 has left an indelible mark on our society and how we life, work and play. How we work is what I would like…
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Handcrafted products: a revenue source for women

Handcrafted products: a revenue source for women

Jackie Wilson Asheeke Can we get our crafts to the tourists, since the tourists cannot come to buy the crafts? Check out According to the history on their website, the idea of bringing products made by women in developing communities to the USA for sale began with Edna Ruth Byler selling crafts from her car boot back in 1940. She worked with the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). I was surprised when I read that part as I worked closely with the MCC during my days on Capitol Hill. They were very active in the anti-apartheid movement and worked hard…
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The price of not knowing why

Our educational system teaches students to ‘do’ but not to think. Beneficiaries of apartheid and colonialism loved this. Thinking people will quickly and easily perceive weaknesses and attack strategically. After independence, in most public schools, that same back-handed educational trend continued. The reason changed. The priority was increasing higher literacy statistics and ‘grades.' The government did not want to slog up the hard road of educating teachers and teaching students critical thinking. In this pandemic, we now pay the price for this. We ask people to wear masks, but do not help them to understand why. That is the reason…
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Observatory: Lives are worth more than the economy

Clementine Tjameya Matshidiso Moeti, World Health Organisation (WHO) regional director for Africa has listed Namibia as having reported zero cases of COVID-19 over a couple of weeks. I humbly question this conclusion. I am not a doctor, nor do I have any health care training. Admittedly, I can make my choices about what to believe regarding COVID-19 in Namibia, based only on what I read. With the low level of testing in Namibia (maybe only 1000 tests done for 2.5 million people), I am not certain the number of 16 cases can be accurate. Countries with reportedly high infection rate…
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Focus on the basic needs of the people

. . . anything else is noise Jackie W Asheeke COVID-19 is a game changer. Any business or individual thinking that all will snap back into pre-pandemic shape is delusional. The best thing to do is to lower your barriers against change and thank God you are alive. After that, we all must focus on the needs of the people and step-in to thwart the profiteers, conmen, hoarders, blindly selfish people and other vermin that feed off of other people’s misery. Food stores in Windhoek are raising prices in the middle of a State of Emergency. Government should take legislative…
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Slashing salaries bears watching

The Ministry of Labour wasted time and energy last month making ridiculous noises about regulations to forbid employers from firing staff. Instead they should have gotten ahead of the curve and provided guidelines when employers slash salaries. Mass salary cuts from a wide range of businesses in all sectors are in the headlines. This is inevitable in these unprecedented, harsh and unclear business times due to the State of Emergency and its backlash. There could be thousands of bankruptcies and business reductions in the wake of this pandemic’s devastation. Hundreds of thousands of employees will be affected in some way.…
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