
Bank Windhoek, NUST, B360 partner

Bank Windhoek, NUST, B360 partner

Staff Writer Bank Windhoek, in partnership with the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) and B360 Education Partnerships, have decided to host an online Career Starter Programme in compliance with social distancing measures and to combat the spread of COVID-19, Designed to provide a sequential path through career development, knowledge, and skills essential for success in the job search, the online Career Starter Programme will see a total of twelve graduates, divided into groups of four, take part in the initiative. The programme will be spread over six weeks, during which each group will have online contact sessions with…
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Role of an HR Business Partner during COVID-19

Role of an HR Business Partner during COVID-19

Agnes Yeboah As a people and change champion, the role of the human resource business partner (HRBP) is critical in these unprecedented times. COVID-19 has disrupted how we do things; from how we conduct business, to how we play with our children, how we shop and stay connected with one another. The effect of this global pandemic has been felt by all and the ramifications will continue for a long time. HRBPs are strategic partners to business and act as the primary contact for the human capital department. This strategic role necessitates that they share, advocate and facilitate the implementation…
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The Time Traveler: One will always get through

Hugh Ellis Recent revelations in the fight against Covid-19 - that some truck drivers allegedly broke quarantine to visit their families, transact at banks, or sleep over with their girlfriends, not to mention the sailor who spent days on shore after his Coronavirus infection was not diagnosed – are saddening but not surprising. The government has done a great job in keeping our borders closed and people with suspected Covid-19 infections in quarantine. But there will always be loopholes. I’m no epidemiologist or doctor (well, no doctor of medicine, anyway), and my only public health experience was brief stint as…
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Trustco secures N$345m loan

Trustco secures N$345m loan

Staff Writer Trustco Finance, a subsidiary of Trustco Group Holdings Limited has secured a US$20 million (approximately N$345 million) loan from Deutsche Investitions Und Entwicklungsgesellschaft, a German development finance institution. The loan approval is, however, subject to a final agreement currently being drafted. The bulk of the facility will be used to provide student financing, offered by Trustco Finance, as well as enhancing the educational facilities offered by the Institute for Open Learning (Pty) Ltd (“IOL”), while funding will also be made available to existing students to restructure and refinance their existing obligations as part of the group’s COVID-19 relief…
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Germany continues support for COVID-19 testing in Namibia

Germany continues support for COVID-19 testing in Namibia

Staff Writer Rapidly identifying infections with the novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) is crucial to enable immediate outbreak management and to initiate public health interventions. Germany therefore supports the development of testing capacities for COVID-19 in Namibia. After a first diagnostic laboratory training in Windhoek in the beginning of March the German partners continue to provide critical testing materials like swabs and reagents. This has enabled the Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP) to conduct more than 2,000 tests in Namibia so far. This support is based on a recently established working relationship as part of a twinning project between the Robert…
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Indemnity forms won’t save schools – AG

Indemnity forms won’t save schools – AG

Andrew Kathindi Indemnity forms that some private schools have been forcing parents to sign before readmitting their children will not save them should a child contract COVID-19 as a result of their negligence, Attorney General, Festus Mbandeka, has informed Windhoek Observer. This comes as certain schools have been forcing parents to sign indemnity forms in order for them not to be held liable should a learner contract COVID-19 while in their care. “Generally, indemnity forms or clauses are not illegal per se, however if someone suffers a loss as a result of failure or negligence caused by a person seeking…
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Lockdown results in road accident decline

Lockdown results in road accident decline

Staff Writer The Motor Vehicle Accident Fund of Namibia (MVAF) says the government-imposed lock down to curb the spread of COVID-19 had a positive contribution to the drastic decline in road accidents and fatalities on the country’s roads. Fewer cars on the nation’s roads meant fewer accidents. Findings by the MVA Fund show that the number of crashes declined by 71 percent, injuries 72 percent and fatalities 62 percent for the period 27 March to 4 May 2020,compared to the same period last year. The fund which is mandated to design, promote and implement crash and injury prevention measures, notes…
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Business leadership during a crisis

Business leadership during a crisis

Mbo Mena Luvindao Merriam-Webster defines a crisis as "an unstable or difficult time or state of affairs". It is unplanned or uncontrolled change. During times of crisis, leadership is critical. While the existing economic crisis caused by COVID-19 is unprecedented, small businesses have historically proved themselves to be flexible and resilient. The crisis has led to paradigm shifts in the way we view and conduct our business - don’t bury your head in the sand, but consider new ways of doing things as an entrepreneur. COVID-19 has changed the way we work, and in some industries, it has forced companies…
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WHK informal settlements to get electricity

WHK informal settlements to get electricity

Staff Writer NamPower and the City of Windhoek have signed a “Project Development and Transfer Agreement on the Electrification of Peri-urban Areas in the Municipality of Windhoek.” The project will be funded by NamPower to the tune of N$15.5 million as part of its Corporate Social Investment (CSI), aims to electrify 1,000 households in peri-urban areas of Windhoek. “According to this agreement, NamPower is committing to contribute to the improvement of the lives of communities living in peri-urban areas, in and around Windhoek, by providing electricity to one thousand (1,000) households, as part of NamPower’s corporate social investment,” NamPower Managing…
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Are we prepared for COVID round two?

For the past 2-3 months, the shape of Namibia has been re-moulded, stretched, and remade to fit the government’s efforts to stem the spread of the pandemic. Through it all, the leadership credibility of President Hage Geingob is on the line. But has the foundation to get ahead of this disease actually been laid to battle the spread of the virus? Or are we assuming progress on the basis of hopeful reports and general briefings? During round one of the president’s proclamations have people been cutting corners? Have allocated funds been chopped? Are people scamming on project implementation? If the…
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