
Old Mutual donates Covid19 equipment

Old Mutual donates Covid19 equipment

Andrew Kathindi As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the country at an alarming rate, last week, Old Mutual handed over devices to the Ministry of Health and Social Services worth over N$900 000. In a bid to continue supporting the fight against COVID-19, Old Mutual donated 35 Dell laptops and 37 Samsung tablets procured at a total cost of N$ 998 030.46 to capacitate the Ministry’s surveillance system capability based on the identified and prioritised needs at national, regional and district level during and after COVID-19. “These laptops are each installed with Office Home software, Antivirus, a mouse and…
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Bag of Hope Initiative hands over donations

Bag of Hope Initiative hands over donations

Staff Writer RMB Namibia, through the HOPE initiative of FirstRand Namibia, recently handed over N$166 000 consisting of N$60 000 worth of maize, N$24 800 of pasta, N$26 400 of Weetbix, N$40 200 of cornflakes, N$4 300 of juice, and N$11 000 worth of soup packets to vulnerable families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. FirstRand Namibia established the ‘Bag of Hope’ initiative under their HOPE Fund in April 2020 and partnered with Bokomo Namibia and Co-Feed Namibia to feed the needy and the most vulnerable families in Namibia, whose impoverished situation has been exacerbated by COVID-19. Through the Bag of…
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FNB supports Van Rhyn Primary School

FNB supports Van Rhyn Primary School

Community Donation of N$10,000 from FNB Central Cluster Brian Kandanga through the FirstRand Namibia Foundation Trust. Items include: Face protector shields, gloves, hand sanitizers and masks. Due to the current situation (COVID-19) the school finds itself in a very difficult financial situation. As per WHO and Namibian Government regulations, schools need to purchase items which are very costly. The school can only guarantee quality education if the learners are healthy and if measures are in place that can protect them from the current pandemic. “From the school on the hill, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to FNB…
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German Embassy contributes to Covid-19 fight

Staff Writer As part of its projects to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the German Embassy will support families in need in the areas of Gobabis, Witvlei and Okahandja and a total of approximately N$ 99,600 (EUR 5,000.00) from the Embassy’s micro project fund will be made available as an immediate measure to purchase food packages. The packages include staple foods and will be distributed to the community members by the German Evangelical Lutheran Association of Okahandja-Gobabis (ELCIN - GELC) in cooperation with the Okahandja Community Forum. The Okahandja Community Forum is a civil organization in Okahandja that…
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Lowering the bar damages our children

Jackie Wilson Asheeke I am disgusted at the ridiculous decision to drop the passing average for primary school to 35 percent. It was already obscenely low at 40 percent! I am throwing shade on any ministry of education official that agreed to reduce the passing rate percentage. I am insulted to read officials blaming this outrageous decision on COVID-19. That doesn't work! Step up and take your tomatoes in the face for this bad decision that hurts our children. Whether you realize it or not, our children are smarter than you think! The issue around low scores is less to…
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NAC HQ placed under lockdown

NAC HQ placed under lockdown

Staff Writer The negative effects of Case 33 who was arrested by police for entering the country illegally are being felt by various organisations in Windhoek, with the Namibia Airports Company (NAC) becoming the third organisation this week to lockdown its building as part of precautionary measures against Covid-19. According the airports operator, one of its employees resides in the same building, 77 on Independence, where the Covid-19 positive suspect was arrested. “This decision comes after careful consideration of the possible risk of exposure,” NAC Chief Executive Officer, Bisey Uirab said. On Thursday, the Ministry of Agriculture was also forced…
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Namibia records two new Covid cases

Namibia records two new Covid cases

Staff Writer The Minister of Health and Social Services Kalumbi Shangula on Wednesday evening announced that Namibia had recorded two additional positive cases of Covid-19 ,bringing the total number of cases to 36. According to the minister, Case 35 is a 26-years old Namibian male, resident of Walvis Bay, who went to the Walvis Bay hospital on 15th June 2020 complaining of cough, difficulty in breathing, headache and fever since the 14 June 2020. “He was picked up by the ambulance on the same day and taken to the hospital. He was screened, swabbed and then admitted in isolation ward.…
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Your small business can adapt to COVID-19 hindrance

Your small business can adapt to COVID-19 hindrance

Loide David The International Monetary Fund’s latest Global Financial Stability Report indicates that financial systems have already felt a dramatic impact during the COVID-19 crisis. In the United States, one of the hardest-hit countries with over two million COVID-19 cases, the effect of the pandemic on businesses has caused it to register close to 40 million job losses. Most of these job losses are from small businesses. Small businesses are privately owned establishments, enterprises, sole proprietorships with fewer employees, and less annual revenue than a regular-sized business or corporation. In a Namibian context, the commercial bank’s regulator, Bank of Namibia,…
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Beware of cyber scams

Beware of cyber scams

Moses Waiganjo and Iyaloo N Waiganjo COVID-19 has forced most citizens around the world to stay home and to make use of information technology infrastructure such as smart phones, computers and tablets to carry out their daily online activities. The precipitous rise in internet usage at this specific and unique time has also given a green light to more cyber conmen and criminals to attempt to steal money and personal information. During this pandemic, many services are offered online to comply with social distancing as directed by the government. Academic classes are offered online from primary to tertiary levels. Employees…
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Dundee donates to Grootfontein Municipality

Dundee donates to Grootfontein Municipality

Staff Writer Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb has extended its support to the Otjozondjupa Region, Grootfontein community by donating personal protective equipment (PPE) to the value of N$30,500.00. The donation was handed over to the Grootfontein Municipality Chief Executive Officer, Kisco Sinvula, at the Grootfontein Municipality head office. Sinvula thanked Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb for the support provided, with the aim to defeat the global pandemic COVID-19. The donated PPE will serve as safety gear for the health care practitioners at the Grootfontein Community Isolation Center and as a preventative measure to curb the further transmission of COVID-19. The delivered PPE…
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