Albertina Nkoshi

Swapo will challenge the suspension of three Walvis Bay councillors

Swapo will challenge the suspension of three Walvis Bay councillors

Martin Endjala The Erongo region district coordinator of Swapo, Daniel Muhuura, said the party will challenge the suspension of its three representatives on the Walvis Bay Town Council. Muhuura's response comes after the mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes announced the suspension of three Swapo councillors, Ephraim Shozi, Albertina Nkoshi, and Paulus Kauhondhomwa for the entire month of September. “We definitely don't take it lightly. We will not sit idle. We will challenge it. And get to the bottom of the matter,” said Muhuura. Swapo’s district coordinator of information of the Walvis Bay urban constituency, Claudius Aikera, said the suspension…
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