
Parliament still to discuss abortion …as matter is postponed to next year

Parliament still to discuss abortion …as matter is postponed to next year

Helena Johannes Parliament has blamed COVID-19 for its failure to debate the issue of legalizing abortion in Namibia despite the matter having been tabled for discussion during the pandemic. National Assembly spokesperson David Nahogandja said Parliament has received two petitions of which one is for and the other against abortion in June this year. “We only sat for two terms this year due to COVID-19, we have not sat as usual to discuss more about this,” he said. Nahogandja said the parliamentarian committee seized with the matter will sit early next year when parliament opens to look at both petition…
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The Time Traveler: Hugh Ellis I have some confessions to make. For a brief while I attended a Catholic school. At this school one of the teachers was, if not fired, let’s say ‘asked to leave’, after sharing pictures of dead fetuses, which were apparently ‘victims of abortions’, with us learners. You don’t forget seeing pictures like those. Later in my life, as a university student, I was briefly a member of an evangelical church on campus. We raised money for a ‘Pregnancy Crisis Center’, whose stated mission was to help young women who had unwanted pregnancies and difficult life…
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Opinion – Life is a gift from God

Given the current social and economic challenges, it is worth noting that as a nation, we face a myriad of challenges and as such we believe we should focus on these as we work together to resolve them. These challenges include: an economy in recession, the Covid-19 pandemic, gender based violence, the brutal rape of women, especially our young people and senior citizens, poverty, retrenchments which lead to job losses, disease, alcohol and drug abuse, etc. It remains our firm conviction that these are the issues that should occupy the nation’s attention and dedication. Introducing abortion on demand is a…
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