Steenkamp urges country to prioritise tutors for struggling learners

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

Executive director of the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture, Sanet Steenkamp, has urged the country to prioritise securing tutors for students facing learning difficulties.

With the looming release of the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary and Advanced Subsidiary Levels (NSSCO and NSSCAS) results on Wednesday, Steenkamp emphasised the significance of teaching and learning environment within classrooms as a decisive factor.

She stressed the need for comprehensive support, not only from families but also from tutors.

“So of course the support the learners are getting not just at home but also from the tutors. We should get into a habit as a country to get truly focus on getting tutors for our children if they are having learning difficulties. Of course in the past we also have had vacation schools where we emphasised a lot with different teachers coming in with peer teaching on specific subject content,” she said.

Moreover, regarding the examination process, Steenkamp highlighted the ministry’s efforts to improve on an annual basis.

“On the examinations, we improve on an annual basis. This year the results are also released much earlier than anticipated. The marking process went well. There was a review and grading process by the Cambridge and Namibian experts which also went very well,” she added.

Last year only 8,133 students, constituting 24 percent of the 38,019 candidates who participated in the 2022 national examinations for Grade 11 and Grade 12, qualified for tertiary education.

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