Remains of one Henties Bay drowning victim found

Niël Terblanché

The relentless search for two young girls who tragically drowned in the Atlantic Ocean last Friday has resulted in the discovery on Tuesday morning of one of the bodies about six kilometres north of Henties Bay.

According to Inspector Iileni Shapumba, the Head of the Community Affairs Division of the Namibian Police in the Erongo Region, members of the public found the remains of the 11-year-old Marie France Brockerhoff Ngo Mbock while walking along the beach.

Since the tragedy occurred, the community of the holiday town has united to bring closure to the grieving families by continuing to support search efforts.

Inspector Shapumba said the body of the young girl was positively identified and that a post-mortem examination will still have to be performed to confirm the cause of death.

Mbock and her friend, the ten-year-old Hilia Rashmie were swept away by powerful waves while playing with a group of friends along the shoreline. The girls soon found themselves in distress while playing in the shallows.

Since their disappearance beneath the waves, dedicated police officers and divers from the Namibian Navy have been tirelessly searching for them.

The divers faced challenging conditions, including rough seas and strong tidal currents.

In a display of unity and solidarity, members of the community are still scouring the beaches to the north of the place where the tragedy occurred to find the remains of the remaining young girl.

Inspector Shapumba reiterated the importance of caution when participating in beach activities, especially during rough sea conditions.

“We call on the community to exercise caution. People should only swim at designated places under the supervision of lifeguards,” Shapumba urged.

He again stressed the significance of families and friends looking out for one another, especially in situations where individuals may be tempted to swim after consuming alcohol.

Shapumba stated that children should only be allowed to visit the beach under the close supervision of responsible adults or parents.

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