President demands accountability from cabinet

Martin Endjala

Following the passing of President Hage Geingob a week ago, President Nangolo Mbumba has demanded accountability from cabinet ministers while urging them to ensure that they carry out their duties and deliver services to the people.

He said that he is cognizant of the fact that it is a difficult time for the cabinet and the entire nation, however, they must remain strong and forge ahead without faltering, adding that this is what the late President would have wanted them to do.

“As we commence with the work of Cabinet, we should be mindful that the people of Namibia have entrusted us with the mandate, to grow the economy, improve their livelihoods and enhance inclusive prosperity for all our citizens in the Namibian House, irrespective of their ethnic origin, race and gender,” he stated.

He encouraged all Namibians to hold hands and pull together in the same direction towards national unity, peace and stability which are the prerequisites for meaningful socio-economic development.

Mbumba said this during the official opening of the Cabinet at State House.

He explained that this year is the year of expectations; the year of elections, in which the citizens will elect the next leadership to lead them for the next five years.

Mbumba reminded the cabinet that citizens always have high and clear expectations of them. Hence his call to implement government plans and programs to deliver quality public services to the people.

“During the brief tenure of my Presidency, I intend to fully uphold the Social Contract that our late President has entered into until March 2025, with the Namibian people. Likewise, As Cabinet Ministers, it is expected that you support me in this regard and also to uphold the social contract until the end of our tenure in office.

We should therefore serve the interests of all the people of Namibia, and prioritize the timely execution of projects and programs,” he urged.

Furthermore, he stated that despite their advances and good economic prospects, much needs to be done. Consequently, emphasising that individual Ministers should return to their offices and redouble efforts in conjunction with their deputies, Executive Directors and staff, to ensure that all issues and tasks in their Ministries are addressed and concluded without delay.

In this context, the President has charged Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, to regularly follow up with the Ministers and through the Secretary to the Cabinet, with the Executive Directors to check on those issues that are outstanding and report directly to him, so that public servants can be called to account for their performances.

Meanwhile, on the issues of energy, cited with concerns of corruption expressed by the citizens, Mbumba reassured Namibians that in line with the government’s clear resolve to promote accountability and transparency, they will continue to strengthen the policy measures aimed at fighting against corruption.

Thereby calling on law enforcement agencies, such as the Namibian Police Force, Anti-Corruption Commission, Financial Intelligence Centre, the Judiciary, Parliament, the media and all citizens to continue to play their respective roles to keep Namibia transparent and corruption-free.

He maintained that a conducive environment in which accountability and transparency thrive is needed to prevent corruption from taking root, which is a patriotic obligation for all.

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