Paratus announced changes to board


Paratus Namibia Holdings Limited has announced changes to the board of directors with effect from 23 January.

Hans-Bruno Gerdes has retired as an independent non-executive director of the company. Gerdes was the chairman of the board of directors of the company and a member of the remuneration

and nominations committee and audit, risk and compliance committee.

“The board would like to extend its appreciation to Mr Gerdes for his commitment and service to the company over the years,” the company said.

The company further announced that Heinrich Jansen van Vuuren has been appointed as a non-executive director of the company. Van Vuuren currently serves as an independent member and chairperson of the audit, risk and compliance committee and the investment committee.

“We extend our best wishes to Mr Jansen van Vuuren in his new role and look forward to his contributions to the company’s board,” the company said.

Paratus said its annual general meeting of shareholders was held on 23 January all the resolutions tabled there at were unanimously passed by the shareholders.

The total number of shares in issue as at the date of the annual general meeting was 98,907,940, the total number of shares that were present/represented at the annual general meeting were 91,962,489 (being 92% of the total number of shares that could have voted at the meeting.

The meeting approved the Integrated Annual Report for the company for the period ended 30 June

2024, including all the reports and the annual financial statements contained therein. The meeting ratified dividends declared and paid by PNH, being an interim dividend of 10 cents per share declared on 8 March 2024 and paid 17 May 2024 and a final dividend of 5 cents per ordinary share declared on 17 September 2024 and paid on 8 November 2024.

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