OTA squabbles push Kauandenge to abandon NUDO presidential bid

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

The infightings between two factions of the Ovaherero Traditional Authority (OTA) have forced Joseph Kauandenge to withdraw from the National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) internal presidential race.

Kauandenge, who is currently the party’s secretary-general, announced his intention to run for the party’s top job a few months ago.

During a press conference at Parliament on Wednesday, the musician and politician made a U-turn, announcing that he would not run for any position at the party’s upcoming elective congress scheduled for 13 July in Windhoek.

“The sad situation in my beloved party is that logic, common sense, and contribution to the party has been reduced to a nullity and of no consequence. Because, as we are aware, the Nudo party is like none other, as we have strong traditional authority influence and we currently have two factions fighting each other over which faction is the rightful heir to the throne of the Ovaherero Traditional Authority, an authority that has so much influence on the internal dynamics of the party,” he said.

He added that the debacle has infested the internal political atmosphere within Nudo, and the party is now contaminated with squabbles.

“It is like cancer eating and feeding on the soul of the party. Which has now put the soul of the party at stake, and the stakes are high. Therefore, the current prevailing situation is in total conflict with his principles. The principles of a nationalist, a pragmatic being, a free-spirited soul whose only preoccupation is and has been to have capable, tested, and people to lead the Nudo party.

This and many other internal reasons are the reasons why I have a change of heart when running for any position within the party. However, I cannot in good conscience lay bare my party dirty linen in public, as this is tantamount to saying you are noticing that your wife has one eye only now when you are on the verge of divorce. Let me make it categorically clear here: I’m not going to join any other political party,” stated Kauandenge.

He further stated that the party leadership has been under intense pressure for the past five years, with infighting from the 2019 Congress still visible.

“It was not easy to lead this party for the past five years,” he added.

The lawmaker also cautioned that if NUDO fails to change course, it will face similar or even worse problems. The internal situation will become so toxic that, even with the best minds at the helm, the leadership will fail and be unable to lead the party effectively. They will spend more time quelling internal fights than advancing the party agenda outside.

“Based on these reasons, I have decided that I will not seek or run for the party presidency position at our upcoming congress in July this year, and neither will I run for any other position at the congress as well. I simply cannot function properly under this duress, under the current cloud of uncertainty and political bickering that has its foundation squarely at the feet of the in-fights within the OTA,” added.

The party’s outgoing president, Esther Muinjangue, also withdrew from the presidential race last month. She said that it was too crowded with men.

The OTA has been at loggerheads since the death of Paramount Chief Vekuii Rukoro in June 2021, with two factions led by Hoze Riruako and Mutjinde Katjiua, who are all claiming to be the legitimate paramount chief.

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