Opposition accuses Nandi-Ndaitwah of playing political games with sports minister

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

Opposition political parties argue that Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah’s criticism of sport, youth, and national service minister Agnes Tjongarero, because she hasn’t started renovating Independence Stadium, should not be taken seriously.

Opposition parties believe that Nandi-Ndaitwah is using her words as an election gimmick to portray herself as a leader who holds others accountable, even though she is not.

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) member of parliament Maximalliant Katjimune said the timing of Nandi-Ndaitwah’s criticism of her former fellow cabinet member is questionable.

He said she has been part of the government for years and has been aware of such issues for a long time.

‘’It’s too little, too late and her criticism was done purely for electioneering purposes. The truth of the matter is that her government has failed terribly, not only with the Independence Stadium but with all other sporting infrastructures across the country as well. It’s a terrible indictment of their incompetence and voters should punish them on 27 November,’’ said Katjimune.

On Saturday, Nandi-Ndaitwah, who is also the Swapo presidential candidate, lashed out at Tjongarero for the lack of progress in getting the stadium renovated to international standard.

She said Tjongarero assured her in writing that renovations would commence on 28 August with the appointment of a contractor.

“I am disappointed by the minister…Currently, we have our sportspeople who go to play outside because we do not have a stadium in the country. They told me they would commence with renovations on 28 August and when I asked about the progress, there was nothing. I was always asking for updates and I was told we are doing well, when in fact nothing is happening,” said Nandi-Ndaitwah.

She added that she would not allow government officials to continue lying and would not let the issue go unresolved.

‘’I will be on them and if need be, someone has to be held accountable,’’ she said.

Landless Peoples Movement (LPM) spokesperson Lifalaza Simataa said this is nothing but an attempt to convince the electorates to vote for Swapo in the upcoming elections.

“It is an attempt to play a game of accountability where they express concerns to the general public to show that they hold public officials accountable.” However, the fact that this was a public statement and not one that was done through proper channels makes it questionable,’’ said Simataa.

He questioned the accountability of the remarks.

“Why aren’t other ministries that are also struggling with their mandates and areas of expertise held accountable?” he said.

According to him, it does not seem like there is a proper audit of failing ministries.

‘’This was a specific ploy to show that they are attempting accountability. But there is no accountability. If the ruling party wants us to believe that they are accountable, then they would do a ministry audit and show how each ministry is reaching its target, and when they are not, they will be held accountable also. There is no leadership within these ministries. it is the same rhetoric, with no consequence. Therefore to us, that was just an election gimmick,’’ said Simataa.

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