Omungwelume Sports Club working on developing a stadium

Hilarius Hamutenya

The Katunanghee Football Club is organising a youth tournament to help raise funds to develop sports facilities in the village of Omungwelume in the Ohangwena region.

The event is slated for December.

The club’s co-founder, Ndatipo Shomongula, said they came up with the idea to attract sponsorship.

“We don’t have enough financial support. I tried to ask many business owners for assistance to help us with funds, but no one helped me,” said Shomongula.

He added that he bought the land in January 2018 with the idea of building facilities for basketball, volleyball, and soccer.

He said that local authorities typically handle such matters, but frequently exclude villages.

The tournament is expected to attract more than 800 participants from nearby areas, constituencies and villages.

The club committee has agreed to allocate N$15 000 from the funds raised by the tournament towards the building fund.

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