Olavi Hamwele takes reigns of NTB board

Niël Terblanché

The Namibia Tourism Board (NTB) has announced the voluntary resignation of Janette Fourie, the Chairperson of its Board of Directors, with immediate effect.

Fourie, who served as a board member from 2020 to 2023 as an ordinary director, was appointed chairperson for the term 2023 to 2026.

During her tenure, Fourie provided valuable leadership and guidance to the NTB.

The board expressed its gratitude for her dedication and commitment to promoting tourism in Namibia.

“Her contributions have been greatly appreciated,” stated the NTB in their announcement to stakeholders.

In accordance with Section 4(5) of the NTB Act, Act No. 21 of 2001, Pohamba Shifeta, the Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, appointed Olavi Hamwele, the current Vice Chairperson, as the interim Chairperson.

The NTB expressed confidence in Hamwele’s ability to adeptly fulfil the duties of chairperson and ensure the organisation’s continued success during this transitional period.

The organisation stated that it looks forward to Hamwele’s leadership in advancing these goals.

Fourie’s resignation marks the end of an era for the NTB, but the board is optimistic about the future under Hamwele’s interim leadership.

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