Nida blamed for Naute Dam irrigation farm electricity failure

Martin Endjala

The Namibia Industrial Development Agency (Nida) is facing criticism over a continuing electricity outage at the Naute Dam Irrigation Farm.

The farm has reportedly been without electricity for the past three weeks.

According to Willem Labuschagne, Keetmanshoop Rural Constituency Councilor in the //Kharas region, workers at the farm expressed their disappointment with the current state of affairs.

Labuschagne attributes the electricity closure to Nida and questions its ability to manage such a critical project that significantly contributes to the economy due to its lack of capital capacity.

“If you go there now, the dates stored are rotting as a result of poor management. I do not even know how Nida got the tender from the previously private company, because by law, as stipulated, you need to have at least N$200 million in capital per annum and own N$600 million worth of quality property. Nida does not meet these requirements, and the crisis continues to worsen,” he stressed.

Labuschagne added that with the harvest season just three weeks away, the situation is urgent, and a solution must be found immediately.

The councillor also alleged that some seasonal workers have been employed on contracts for more than 20 years.

In response to these concerns, Nida Corporate Services Senior Manager, Wessel !Nanuseb explained that the entity has managers on the farm overseeing daily operations, and accountability should be directed towards them.

He acknowledged that Nida is facing financial challenges and is in arrears with NamPower, the bulk electricity supplier. Nida has communicated these challenges to NamPower and is working to settle the outstanding payments.

!Nanuseb clarified that the concerns about grapes rotting were not entirely accurate, as grapes are not stored in cool rooms, and only dates are stored at low temperatures.

He also mentioned that all employee salaries at the Naute Dam Resort have been fully paid, resolving a previous concern raised earlier this year.

!Nanuseb called for patience as Nida works to resolve the electricity suspension and praised the commitment shown by employees during these challenging times.

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