Nguvauva refutes claims of brawling at Omaheke Swapo meeting

Stefanus Nashama

The Regional Councillor of the Okorukambe Constituency, Rocco Nguvauva, claims that the allegations of physical assault and beating against the former Omaheke governor, Festus Ueitele, made by the former Omaheke Swapo Women’s League regional coordinator, Bianca Van Wyk, are baseless.

On Friday, Nguvauva accused Van Wyk of being hired to disrupt the process of restructuring the leadership of the Okorukambe branch.

‘’I must bear witness here that the lady who claimed to be beaten by the former governor, her claims don’t hold water at all and are those people who are hired to come disrupt the peaceful process of the Okorukambe renewal of mandate,” he said.

He added that in Swapo, members resolve to assist in picking up fellow members who do not have means of transport, despite the claim that no one was transported from Epukiro.

Nguvauva claimed Van Wyk does not hold any position in the Okorukambe branch.

“Neither of the two problematic ladies doesn’t holds any position in Okorukambe structures, but ask yourself what their interest in this restructuring was and why they were disrupting the process in some of the branches. They were scared of disrupting the process in Omitara and Witvlei because they know what’s going to happen to them,” he explained.

Nguvauva is also the Okorukambe branch coordinator, which makes him a district executive committee member and allows him to participate in the mandate renewal process.

He denied allegations that he transported people from Epuliro to support Ueitele in the Okorukambe branch.

“In our executive meeting, we resolved to assist in picking up our Swapo members from the sections and branch venues, as we all know not everyone has a means of transport. I don’t know where we brought people from Epukiro. As far as I recall, these members were picked up at their workplaces on farms. I’m challenging those who say so to come up with proof,” he said.

Nguvauva claimed that on two occasions, Frans Murangi, the Okorukambe community leader, tried to run the process of renewing the mandate in the district without the mandate of the district executive committee.

“We stood up to question him. He asked for an apology and these two processes were nullifying and it’s against this background that the regional executive committee called an urgent meeting from the complaint that was brought forth to the regional coordinator to intervene,” he mentioned.

On Tuesday, Bianca said people in the region are protecting their interests.

“They are in a good position to say what they can tell you. But all they do is in their interest,” she said.

She added that she did not mind how Nguvavua twisted the story.

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