National Council members urged to prioritise reviewing and passing bills

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

The National Council chairperson, Lukas Muha has urged his fellow lawmakers to consider prioritising the review and passage of four bills that have been passed and referred to them by the National Assembly.

Muha made these remarks during the National Council opening session in Windhoek at Parliament on Monday.

The bills are the Electoral Amendment Bill, the Marriage Bill, the Property Practitioners Bill and the Road Fund Administration Amendment Bill.

He said the house should also consider eight National Council Standing Committee reports and two inter-parliamentary cluster reports in accordance with Article 74(2) read together with Article 59(3).

“I applaud you for time well spent during the planning of the annual activities of your respective committees. I have seen that both the plan and activities are in tandem with the National Council Strategic Plan and our constitutional mandate. It is important to note that what we do or don’t do impacts the progress and future of our country. We must therefore approach our deliberations with a sense of purpose and dedication, keeping the best interests of our citizens at the forefront of our deliberations,” said Muha.

He reiterated the National Council’s commitment to include and address matters of both national and regional concern in its reviewed legislation. The ethos is in line with the National Council’s vision, which is a modern house of legislative review that represents the interests of the people of Namibia.

“It is through collaboration and mutual respect that we can achieve the goals we have set. Therefore, I urge you all as members of the National Council to engage one another through constructive dialogues, to listen to the voices of our constituents every time we participate, and to act with the highest standards of ethical conduct,” he added.

Muha further stated that over the past sessions, the National Council has made significant strides in addressing the pressing issues facing the nation. The members have worked tirelessly to create policies that foster economic growth, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

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