Namibian youth urged to embrace voter registration

Niël Terblanché

During his visit to Namibia, Dr. Kevin Casas-Zamora, the secretary general of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), stressed the importance of voter registration to the country’s youth.

Casas-Zamora reminded young people that registering to vote is a crucial step in ensuring their voices are heard and in choosing their leaders.

Casas-Zamora visited various registration points in Windhoek, noting that the process took about five to six minutes per individual.

He applauded those who had already registered, stating they should be proud of their participation in Namibia’s democratic process.

While speaking at the “Global State of Democracy” event in Windhoek, Casas-Zamora acknowledged Namibia’s achievements in maintaining democratic governance for over 30 years since gaining independence.

He contrasted Namibia’s progress with the global trend of deteriorating democracy, marked by corruption, inequality, and threats to electoral credibility.

He pointed to global challenges to holding credible elections, such as unconstitutional changes of government and military coups, but praised Namibia for staying on the right path.

Casas-Zamora, however, stressed the need to protect the credibility of Namibia’s electoral institutions and the integrity of its elections.

He said that while Namibia has made significant strides, continuous efforts are required to safeguard these achievements.

Casas-Zamora, who has been leading International IDEA since 2019, has significantly expanded the organisation’s global presence, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and Eastern Europe.

Under his leadership, International IDEA has become a prominent advocate for democracy, supporting democratic institutions and processes worldwide

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