Namibian Council for Property Valuers Profession inaugurated

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

The minister of agriculture, water, and land reform, Calle Schlettwein, inaugurated the Namibia Council for Property Valuers Profession on Thursday. 

The new council will regulate property valuers and ensure registered practitioners adhere to high ethical standards. 

Schlettwein highlighted the rise in malpractices within unregulated valuation services and emphasised the government’s commitment to protecting the public and restoring the profession’s reputation.

This was achieved by amending the Property Valuers Profession Act and establishing the council to oversee the regulation of valuers.

‘’There was a need to close some of the loopholes in the principal Act, and the required amendments were initiated. Two amendments were made to the Act. The promulgation of the Property Valuers Profession Amendment Act 2018, Act No. 2 of 2018, was made on 6 April 2018, and the promulgation of the Property Valuers Profession Amendment Act 2022, Act No. 15 of 2022, was made on 30th December 2022. Thereafter, the process of the establishment of the Council could be started,’’ he said.

The minister explained that the new law, Act No. 15 of 2022, will put the country on par with other countries that have implemented measures to ensure that professional valuers are held accountable for their conduct.

‘’The Council will be required to consider applications by persons who wish to be registered and I expect the Council to exercise this power with diligence and transparency. I expect the Council to put in place the instruments for registration of valuers within the next two months,’’ he expressed.

Schlettwein urged the council to set affordable registration fees for applicants and collaborate with higher learning institutions to develop property valuation programs that meet industry standards.

‘’The Council is to put in place a Code of Conduct and disciplinary measures to deal with improper conduct of valuers. The Code of Conduct should be available to the public, who will be able to use it to report cases of improper conduct by registered persons. I expect the Council to have finalised the Code of Conduct by the time registration commences,’’ Schlettwein said.

The new council members are Rudolf !Nanuseb, Veronika Halwoodi, Joseph Mbangula, Fortune Prince Jarson, Sandra Simasiku, Thebe-Yatumelo Khaile and Johanna Halleluya Shikongo.

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