Namibia unveils Tourism Satellite Account Report 2022

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

Namibia marked the launch of the much-anticipated Sixth edition of the Tourism Satellite Account Report 2022.

The unveiling underscores a pivotal achievement in Namibia’s pursuit to comprehensively gauge the economic impact of tourism on the overall Namibian economy.

Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, hailed the occasion as a significant milestone, emphasising the report’s role in understanding tourism’s multifaceted contributions.

Namibia’s Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) Report 2022, built on the framework of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), stands as a key tool for measuring the economic dimensions of the tourism sector.

Shifeta highlighted its importance, stating that “Tourism is not just about travel and leisure; it is a vital economic driver contributing significantly to our national Gross Domestic Product (GDP).”

Aligned with Namibia’s Tourism Sector Recovery Plan (2022-2024), the TSA focuses on increasing tourism market intelligence through statistics and data collection. The 6th edition brings the nation closer to achieving its goals, providing comprehensive data on tourism-related activities, expenditures, and employment.

Shifeta stressed the role of the TSA in increasing awareness of tourism’s economic importance, providing quantitative estimates of tourism value-added, and identifying its impact on job creation.

“The wealth of information in this report empowers us to identify trends, assess marketing initiatives, and tailor offerings to meet evolving consumer preferences,” he noted.

The TSA capacity-building project, launched in May 2022, culminated in revealing key findings. Despite global challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism’s direct contribution to Namibia’s GDP in 2022 was estimated at 7 percent, equivalent to N$14.3 billion of the total GDP.

Shifeta expressed gratitude to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Prof. Pius Odunga, and the National TSA Steering Committee for their financial and technical support in producing the report. He emphasised the collaborative effort of government agencies, the private sector, academic institutions, and all stakeholders, envisioning collective advancement in understanding tourism’s impacts.

“With this standardized framework, we can advance towards sustainable development goals for tourism and boost the industry,” Shifeta affirmed.

The report not only facilitates evidence-based decision-making but also enhances transparency, instilling confidence in investors about tourism as a driver of economic growth.

In conclusion, Minister Shifeta extended appreciation to all involved entities, acknowledging their invaluable input, expertise, dedication, and support in reaching this significant stage in Namibia’s tourism economic analysis. The Tourism Satellite Account Report 2022 stands as a beacon guiding strategic planning and policy formulation, ensuring sustainable development in the nation’s vibrant tourism sector.

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