Naloba requests visit to offshore oil rigs

Martin Endjala

Namibia Local Business Association (Naloba) has recently sent a request to Namibia Investment Promotion Development Board (NIPDB) Chief Executive Officer Nangula Uaandja, to facilitate an offshore familiarisation visit to the drill sites of oil rigs in February next year.

According to Naloba’s vice-president, Peter Amadhila the association has a particular focus on the newly discovered oil and gas reserves.

Amadhila stated that the association wants to be actively involved in these projects to ensure maximum and total benefits for all Namibian people.

He said Naloba has been strongly advocating for alternative solutions to the recent fuel price inflation experienced in the country. He is confident that the discovery of oil and gas and the prospects of clean energy are the answers to reducing fuel price inflation in the country by cutting dependency on other countries in terms of having to import these resources.

Amadhila is of the view that with a well-outlined regulatory framework, to ensure that resources are not exploited while ensuring every single Namibian benefits, he believes Namibia can become an oil, gas, and clean energy self-sufficient nation.

“Naloba hereby kindly requests your good office to kindly facilitate a familiarisation tour or visit to the various offshore oil drilling rigs in February 2024,” reads the email seen by this publication.

Amadhila lauded NIPDB for its tireless efforts in continuing to attract investors to invest in the country for the benefit of local people.

During an interview with this publication in October this year, Amadhila stressed that going forward Namibia needs to start up and build up its oil reserves to sustain the country in situations like this fuel price hikes.

However, he is more hopeful that this will now happen and fall into place with the new oil market discovery, provided that it is implemented effectively to benefit the country and its people.

Hence their request to undertake a site visit, to understand what has been done so far in terms of implementation of the laws to regulate the industry as well as to see progress made in terms of drills lamenting that these companies often do not update the nation of what is happening and everything is of secrecy.

He added that business associations such as Naloba amongst others, have a huge role to play in the emerging industry and it is high time that they are invited to the decision-making table for their input.

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