Muharukua is a Man Without Any Sense of Integrity and Cannot Be Trusted

Stephanus Pombili

I have seen SWAPO Party members celebrating the return of Muharukua. Muharukua, who was a member of DTA (now known as PDM), has returned to the SWAPO Party. To me, I would call Muharukua a “man without a sense of integrity  and can not be trusted.”

Muharukua once said, “Only DTA now ‘Baptised’ PDM can govern Namibia,” but the sudden return of Muharukua to the SWAPO Party with instant Nandi-Ndaitwa praise singing is something one must worry about. Once a man who chanted in parliament that the SWAPO Party was corrupt is now our praise singer, the man who widely uttered that there is no leadership in the SWAPO Party now sees Cde Netumbo’s charismatic leadership.

Muharukua leaving PDM is an indication that he is all about position and interest, which is why he is not ashamed of praising. Muharukua knew that he wouldn’t stand a chance to win against Venaani, so he had to get into the SWAPO Party and get elevated into leadership, particularly in parliament or even a ministerial position. How do you call this man who once said DTA (now PDM) is the only party that can govern Namibia and now says SWAPO Party is the only party that can govern Namibia? Is that not shameful? Muharukua is like Nawatiseb, nothing else but opportunistic!

Those who are celebrating Muharukua’s return probably have nothing to celebrate. Muharukua is back to get a position, that is all. He has no interest in the SWAPO Party as an organization but is more focused on position. With the SWAPO Party normalizing constitutional molestation, do not be surprised to see Muharukua among the 10 nominees to the National Assembly. It is just that the party constitution does not allow a member to serve in two political parties, so Muharukua would still be a DTA member.

Such flip-flop politicians cannot be taken seriously because they are willing to sell the country to the highest bidder. It is not about Namibia’s interest but all about money. So, I trust flip-flop politicians who are just opportunistic with zero sense of shame and integrity. Welcome to SWAPO, Cde Muharukua, but I am sure without any position, your life expectancy in the SWAPO Party will be very short.

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