More war veterans receive funding for projects

Stefanus Nashama

The Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs is set to disburse funds to 425 veterans of the liberation struggle for their projects by the end of this financial year.

The Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs, Frans Kapofi made the announcement during the Cabinet Committee briefing on Monday, as part of the ministry’s ongoing efforts to integrate the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle into the socio-economic mainstream through their initiatives.

During the current financial year, the Ministry has already disbursed funds to 322 war veterans.

“All registered veterans qualify for funding for a project that has now been revised to a cash payment of N$170,000,” he indicated.

He said the financial support is aimed at empowering veterans and enabling them to undertake various projects.

In addition to this financial assistance, Kapofi highlighted other forms of support available to veterans.

Currently, a total of 18,291 veterans are receiving a monthly subvention of N$2,200.

Special benefits are also provided to former Robben Island and Kai //Ganaxab political prisoners, as well as former PLAN combatants who were militarily trained and deployed to the frontline during the National Liberation Struggle.

According to Kapofi, veterans are entitled to an Improvement Grant ranging from N$5,000 to N$7 per month, with 8,998 veterans currently benefiting from this program.

He said that all veterans are eligible for land resettlement, except in cases where they are already resettled under the national resettlement program or possess sufficient land for economic activities.

According to Kapofi, one notable development in this regard is the allocation of over N$400,000 towards the rehabilitation of water infrastructure on Farm Rostof in Otjozondjupa, where three veterans were resettled.

“This initiative aligns with the National Resettlement Policy,” he said.

He stressed the importance of providing a dignified burial for veterans.

“The ministry is responsible for ensuring that registered veterans receive a respectable burial, including the erection of tombstones upon the request of the deceased’s family,” he said.

The minister said that comprehensive support provided by the ministry includes medical assistance and counselling services.

“Veterans whose health conditions are a result of their participation in the national liberation struggle are supported with medical expenses at state health facilities. If necessary, treatment at private health facilities is facilitated. Counselling services, including individual, group, or family counselling, are also offered to veterans with social and psychological issues,” he indicated.

During the period under review, the ministry allocated One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Thousand Namibian Dollars (N$138,651.94) towards Medical Assistance and Counseling Services.

The integration of veterans into mainstream society and the preservation of the liberation history remain key priorities for the Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs. Minister Kapofi reaffirmed the government’s commitment to supporting veterans and ensuring their well-being.

Kapofis said that in addition to its efforts to support veterans, the Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs has been actively engaged in various other activities aimed at safeguarding national security and fulfilling international commitments.

The provision and maintenance of internal security primarily fall under the mandate of the Namibian Police (NamPol). Still, the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) plays a vital role in providing support.

He said that collaborative efforts between the NDF and NamPol have been instrumental in maintaining law and order. The two forces have also cooperated in conducting Anti-Poaching Operations in national parks, leading to the interception and arrest of illegal dealers and poachers.

The NDF has continued its deployments in the Zambezi Region, combating illegal border crossings and cross-border crimes in various areas.

“The ministry has provided crucial assistance to civil authorities and powers during disasters, including flood and drought relief distribution. Currently, a fleet of nineteen trucks and thirty-eight drivers is committed to eight regions, assisting with the distribution of drought relief aid,” he said.

In the health sector, the Defence Ministry has supported the Ministry of Health and Social Services by providing transportation and airlifting of health officials to remote areas during the Integrated Vaccination Programme in the Kunene Region.

Training activities remain a priority for the Ministry during peacetime. The 17th Recruit Training Intake is in preparation, and bilateral and multilateral training exercises, such as Exercise HANGANEE II, have been successfully conducted.

According to Kapofi, the ministry has actively participated in peace initiatives within the SADC Region and across the African continent. This includes maintaining deployments with the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) and involvement in planning the deployment of the SADC Mission in DRC (SAMIDRC).

Additionally, officers have been deployed to serve as Military Observers or Staff Officers with the United Nations Interim Security Forces for Abyei (UNISFA) and the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

Kapofi said the Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs continues to play a pivotal role in supporting national security, fulfilling international commitments, and providing essential support to veterans, ensuring their integration into society and preserving the legacy of the liberation struggle.

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