Meat Board of Namibia is undergoing a vital name change

Niël Terblanché

The Meat Board of Namibia is undergoing a significant transformation, including a change of name, to broaden its scope and responsibilities.

The organization, historically focused on meat and related products, is expanding to include poultry and dairy, necessitating a new identity.

The revised name, the Livestock and Livestock Products Board of Namibia (LLPB), or more concisely, Livestock Products Namibia (LPN), reflects this wider mandate.

This change is not just in name but also in function. Livestock Products Namibia will henceforth oversee a more diverse range of animal products, including dairy, hides, and various livestock such as sheep, goats, pigs, and poultry, along with their related products.

This expansion is a strategic move to encompass all aspects of livestock production and product management under one umbrella.

Currently, Livestock Products Namibia is actively engaging in public consultations. These sessions aim to inform stakeholders about the amendments to Government Notices necessary to include poultry, dairy, and hides in its portfolio.

Additionally, a Government Notice on the imposition of levies for managing these new sectors is being reviewed.

This inclusive approach is reflected in the legislation published in a Government Gazette on 21 August 2023.

The Gazette details the changes in the range of controlled products under the Meat Board, marking a new era for the organization.

With these developments, Livestock Products Namibia is set to play a pivotal role in the management and development of Namibia’s broader livestock industry.

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