Mbumba confers the honour of National Hero on Geingob

Niël Terblanché

President Nangolo Mbumba, in a proclamation published on Friday, directed that a state funeral be held in honour of President Hage Geingob and that the former Head of State would be buried at Heroes’ Acre in Windhoek on 25 February.

According to the Conferment of National Honours Act of 2012, a hero or heroine means a person who has done a heroic deed for the public good or has made an outstanding contribution or achievement for Namibia.

The day Geingob died, Mbumba described him as “a distinguished servant of the people, a liberation struggle icon, the chief architect of our Constitution, and the pillar of the Namibian house”.

In the proclamation on Friday, Mbumba also stated that a national mourning period for Geingob would take place until 25 February.

He further directed that all national flags be flown at half-mast in the country and at Namibian missions worldwide.

The nation has been holding memorial services and candlelight vigils daily to reflect on the life and achievements of Geingob.

On Friday, Erongo governor Neville Andre switched on memorial lights in honour of Geingob at the Walvis Bay Civic Centre.

“Each flickering flame represents not just the end of life but a legacy that continues to shine brightly in our hearts in memories with our president,” Andre said.

He called on the nation to remember the laughter and wisdom Geingob bestowed on the country.

Prime minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, during a memorial service in Windhoek on Friday, described Geingob as the people’s president, who could draw people across different backgrounds together.

“This continues to be the case in the aftermath of his passing,” she said.

Traditional leaders described Geingob as a “tireless fighter for his people and champion of the poor” who devoted himself to alleviating poverty.

“He was an advocate for the empowerment of the youth and women. Placing them in various government institutions and public enterprises,” said the chairperson of the Traditional Leaders Council of Namibia, Immanuel /Gaseb, in a speech read on his behalf.

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