Lüderitz wind farm gets N$2.5 billion investment

InnoVent is building a 11 turbine wind farm on the Atlantic coast as part of an ambitious national policy to enhance energy independence and decarbonization.

InnoVent has developed and built the country’s first three solar power plants (Omburu, Osona, Aussenkehr, each with 5 MW) and the first wind farm (Ombepo, 6 MW). These infrastructures, with a total capacity of 21 MW, were commissioned between 2015 and 2017.

In 2019, InnoVent acquired a fourth solar power plant of 5 MWc in the Omusati region, thus increasing its capacity and availability. Currently, InnoVent operates 26 MW in Namibia, producing 76,500 MWh in 2023. The Namibian subsidiary, InnoSun, based in Windhoek, employs a team of 18 people covering all the necessary skills for the development and operation of wind and solar projects.

Building on its successful experience with the Ombepo wind farm (3 turbines, 6 MW, producing 22 GWh per year), InnoVent acquired the Diaz wind project in 2022. Located near the Ombepo wind farm in the Lüderitz region, this site benefits from exceptional wind conditions with 5000 hours of full production per year.

The Diaz wind farm will consist of 11 turbines for a total capacity of 44 MW. Construction began in 2023, with commissioning scheduled for July 2025.

The renewable energy market in Namibia is rapidly expanding due to abundant wind and solar resources and high energy costs, ensuring good profitability. In 2023, InnoVent’s revenue in Namibia amounted to 6.5 million euros.

With an annual production of over 230 GWh of green electricity, the Diaz wind farm will represent 5 to 6% of Namibia’s electricity consumption (approximately 4 000 GWh per year), avoiding the emission of 200 000 tons of CO2 per year. 

Elina Enrico, communication officer, at InnoVent gave an update on the Diaz Wind Project in an interview with Observer Money.

Observer Money (OM): When will the InnoVent Diaz Wind Farm Project be commissioned?

ELINA ENRICO (EE): The Diaz wind farm is scheduled to be commissioned in the last quarter of 2025.

OM: How much has been invested in this project?

EE: The amount invested in this project is N$2.5 billion.

OM: What will be the total electricity to be produced by the InnoVent Diaz Wind Farm Project?

EE: The Diaz wind farm will generate around 230 GWh per year, which represents around 6% of Namibia’s total electricity consumption.

OM: Recently, the first three wind turbine blades for the InnoVent Diaz Wind Farm Project were offloaded and transported to site near Kolmannskuppe, how important are these turbines?

EE: These wind turbines are important because they will produce 6% of Namibia’s electricity consumption. This means that Namibia will become more energy self-sufficient. At present, Namibia is dependent on neighbouring countries, importing around 70% of its electricity, and its electricity is produced from coal. Electricity in Namibia sometimes lacks stability, and in the event of a power cut it can be difficult to restore power quickly. As InnoVent and its subsidiary InnoSun have technicians on site, we are able to ensure the production and maintenance of wind and solar farms, guaranteeing stable, green electricity. What’s more, the project will not only diversify the country’s energy mix, it will also create a large number of local jobs, since InnoVent uses only local workers and service providers to work on its wind farms.

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