LGBTQI community warned to not insult war veterans

Stefanus Nashama

The Uukwiyuushona Constituency Councillor and member of the National Council, Andreas Amundjindi has sternly warned gay activist Wendelinus Hamutenya and those who engage in same-sex practices, to not insult the veterans of the liberation struggle.

During the second reading of the private member’s bill in the National Council yesterday, Amundjindi said Namibia should remain the land of the brave, and that it should not become a land of ‘Sodom and Gomora’.

He stated that Namibia cannot allow gays and lesbians to continue insulting veterans of the liberation struggle, who he says brought independence and freedom that gays and lesbians want to destroy with their practice of ‘moral decay’.

“Under no circumstances can we allow leaders of this country and veterans of the liberation struggle to be badmouthed and insulted by gays and lesbians who were after independence (sic),” Amundjindi cautioned.

He explained that the traditional authorities, health-based organisations, and the Namibian nation have spoken against the moral decay of homosexuals, and therefore, Namibians should clean all the ‘cockroaches’ from society.

“Gays and lesbians should be reminded by all means, that once the private member’s bill by Swapo member of parliament, Jerry Ekandjo is enacted, all cockroaches will be arrested and detained for life, and even be sentenced to death,” the councillor said.

“If something is an exit by nature, you cannot turn it into an entrance. Why do gays want to turn the anus into an entrance?” he asked.

Meanwhile, Adolf !Naruseb, a member of the LGBTQAI+ community, explained that being gay or lesbian does not mean disrespecting or insulting leaders and veterans of the liberation struggle.

“In what sense are we insulting anyone? Is it because they are leaders or veterans of the liberation struggle? We also have relatives and family members who are leaders and veterans of the liberation struggle,” !Naruseb stated.

!Naruseb said they have the right and freedom to expression while they respect laws and the constitution.

“The councillor should call himself to order because he has also gone to the extent of violating gays and lesbians’ rights by labelling them as cockroaches. We are not cockroaches. We are also human beings like anyone else in this country, therefore, we cannot be discriminated against that way,” !Naruseb said.

Efforts to get comments from Hamutenya were not successful.

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