Karibib needs another service station

Martin Endjala

The town of Karibib needs a third service station to meet the growing demands of its inhabitants and visitors.

According to the mayor, Davey van Wyk, the town is facing challenges due to the high influx of cars and travellers passing through it.

The two service stations currently in use, according to van Wyk, are frequently overwhelmed by large numbers of cars and people.

“To make it worse, they are too close to each other. That is why we need another service station at the end of the town to address this issue,” he said.

The mayor said that currently, it is just a proposal, but they are ready to listen to interested parties who wish to build a service station.

“The town only has one main road, which often becomes congested due to high volumes of vehicles, and the filling stations are unable to cater for such high volumes,” he argued.

He believes this will minimise road congestion and free up more space for other drivers. He further explained that the town has undergone huge developments compared to previous years.

“Council continues to look for alternatives to ready itself as the population of the town continues to grow. Despite some tangible developments, the town still lacks proper infrastructure. For instance, the town only has one public secondary school, and the other one is private,” he stated.

He added that an additional school is necessary to serve all residents. Van Wyk stated that the council can only do certain things based on its budget.

The mayor is calling on other stakeholders to meet their halfway point in providing services to the residents.

He said that they are willing to listen to proposals from interested parties who wish to build for them the much-needed filling station.

According to Van Wyk, the third filling station will ease the burden on the current two filling stations.

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