Justice ministry launched its new user-friendly website

Niël Terblanché

Namibia’s Ministry of Justice launched its revamped website, unveiling a modern, user-friendly platform designed to enhance public access to legal information and promote transparency in its operations.

The launch event at the Windhoek Country Club on Thursday was presided over by Gladice Pickering, the Executive Director of the Ministry of Justice who stood in for minister Yvonne Dausab.

In her address, Pickering pointed to the significance of the revamped website and described it as a vital tool in the Ministry’s ongoing commitment to better serve the Namibian public.

Key Features of the new website include the new design, which prioritises ease of navigation and ensures that legal information is readily accessible to all users, including those with limited technical expertise.

The website now also provides seamless access to NamibLII, the Namibia Legal Information Institute, offering free access to recent judgments, legislation, and government gazettes. This integration supports public understanding of the law and upholds the rule of law in Namibia.

The re-engineered platform also reflects the ministry’s adherence to the Public Procurement Act.

Pickering said that all necessary procurement documents and reports will be published on the website promptly.

“This initiative reinforces the Ministry’s commitment to ethical procurement practices and the effective management of public resources,” she added.

Pickering reiterated that the revamped website is more than just a digital platform.

“It is an essential part of the Ministry’s mission to ensure #Justice4All and it will serve as a gateway for citizens to engage with the Ministry, access vital legal resources, and understand their rights and responsibilities under the law,” she said.

According to Pickering, the revamped website represents our dedication to transparency, accessibility, and the enhancement of justice delivery in Namibia.

“It will also play a key role in continuing our compliance with the Public Procurement Act by providing a user-friendly space where all procurement-related documents can be accessed by the public,” Pickering said.

She also mentioned that the Ministry of Justice is recognized as one of only two government offices in Namibia that fully comply with the Public Procurement Act.

“This achievement is a clear demonstration of the ministry’s commitment to good governance and public accountability,” she said.

Pickering invited the public to explore the new website and take advantage of its enhanced features.

“Public feedback is welcomed as it will help the Ministry refine its services to better meet the needs of the Namibian people,” she said.

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