Just Saying with Matts Haikali

Sports in our country have finally started receiving the recognition they deserve as a significant economic driver.

This shift in perspective is reflected in several key initiatives undertaken by the government, including the allocation of funds for stadium upgrades, a delegation’s trip to South Africa to learn about professionalizing sports, and an agreement between the Ministry of Sport, Youth, and National Service and the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology to procure national colors for all sports codes for an entire year.

Am just saying, these actions demonstrate a strong political will to embrace proposals that have long been advocated by those in the sports community.

Am just saying, while we commend the government for these initial steps, it is essential that we not only borrow best practices from abroad but also adapt and implement them effectively, without compromising the recruitment of skilled and competent personnel necessary to take our sports sector to the next level.

Am just saying, our collective focus should be on delivering tangible results and moving forward.

Am just saying, I witnessed the announcement that was made by the two ministers on government’s commitment to sports, with an agreement to advance the “My Nationhood” campaign, a partnership between the Ministry of Sport, Youth, and National Service and the Ministry of Information Technology.

Am just saying, for me this collaboration exemplifies the idea that government ministries can allocate a specific percentage of their budgets towards sports development. Imagine the possibilities if other ministries followed suit.

Am just saying, can you imagine, if the Ministry of Health and Social Services were to collaborate with the Ministry of Sport, they could ensure that all sports federations and clubs have access to medical personnel to support athletes competing at international levels.

All am saying is that this kind of partnership would not only enhance the well-being of our athletes but also demonstrate a broader commitment to their overall health.

As a sports person I would like to call on the Ministry of Health to consider establishing a dedicated department to address the needs of people with disabilities in sports, such as creating a specialized center for the Paralympics.

Am just saying, this initiative would serve to allocate a portion of the health budget toward supporting sports and fostering inclusivity. Which is the cornerstone of “my Namibia, my Country” campaign.

Am just saying, it would be very interesting if the Ministry of Environment and Tourism partnered with the sports sector. By availing and providing access to the hospitality sector to sports clubs around the country at subsidized rates, we can encourage Namibians to explore and travel within the country. The recent accident that happened involving sports people, as they travelled due to the cost of overnighting, would be a thing of the past.

Am just saying, this collaboration has the potential to boost domestic tourism, create economic opportunities, and promote sports development simultaneously.

Am just saying, it is crucial that we not only talk the talk but also walk the walk by implementing these initiatives effectively and collaborating across ministries/agencies to create a comprehensive and sustainable sports ecosystem.

It’s time to seize this opportunity and make sports a catalyst for positive change.

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