Itula’s government to replace regional councillors with traditional leaders

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) president, Panduleni Itula said if his party is elected to govern the country, they will replace regional councillors with traditional authority leaders.

He made these comments during one of his recent campaigns in the Ohangwena region.

“We will remove the national council and set up the traditional authority, where our traditional authority leaders will set and discuss what the country needs. Traditional leaders will be the ones getting money from the government to divide the resources among the people because our traditional leaders have their representatives through village headmen, and every village headman knows who is blind in that village, who is poor, who is living with disability, he knows who are the orphanages in his entire village.

“Therefore, if there is money meant for the people, it will go through the village headman straight to the people. Instead of going through the councillor’s pocket and only distributing it to members of his political party or his family members. Every councillor’s child is employed; all of them. How did they get it?” asked Itula.

He added that the IPC government wants every household to have at least an employed person to help their relatives.

He said an IPC-led government would block all the loopholes that are currently in the government and stop corruption and theft.

“Corruption and development don’t go along; ministers will be paid better to buy their own cars; they will not get government cars. The money Swapo is currently spending on ministers is supposed to go to hospitals and schools for all Namibian kids to have a better future,” stated Itula.

Itula further told the crowd that IPC is not supporting Green Hydrogen because it does not belong to Namibia, as it was never discussed and approved by the Namibian Cabinet.

“Green hydrogen will not develop Namibia because it is not ours. It cannot even be connected to our electricity because there is no technology to connect it. You are just being blindfolded, it is going to be placed in big cylinders, put in a boat, and transported abroad. Don’t believe the talk that they are going to recruit 600 people, it is not true,” said Itula.

IPC has not yet released its manifesto.

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