Governor Ndevashiya caught off-guard by President’s decision

Niël Terblanché

In a very unexpected development, President Hage Geingob has appointed retired Lieutenant General Sebastian Ndeitunga, the former Inspector General of the Namibian Police, as the new Governor of the Ohangwena Region.

The appointment, made under the constitutional powers vested in the President, is set to take effect from today.

President Geingob invoked Articles 32(4)(a) (hh) and 110A(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, in conjunction with the provisions outlined in the Special Advisors and Regional Governors Appointment Act, 1990, as amended, to appoint General Ndeitunga to this key position.

The outgoing Governor told a local radio station that he was not aware that he was relieved of his duties.

Ndevashiya told the radio station that he was unable to grant any further remarks because he was as surprised by the Presidency’s announcement as the rest of the Namibian people.

The former governor could not be reached for further comment.

According to a statement issued by the Presidency, the primary responsibilities entrusted to the newly appointed Governor include ensuring the full implementation of various programs and projects within the Ohangwena Region, aligning them with the allocated budget.

The newly appointed Regional Governor has been directed to coordinate his functions closely with various government offices, ministries, and agencies to enhance the efficiency of service delivery to the residents of the region.

President Geingob expressed his confidence in General Ndeitunga, commending his commitment, fairness, and abilities.

The Presidency said that Ndeitunga is expected to discharge his duties and responsibilities with diligence and serve the interests of the Ohangwena Region effectively.

This significant appointment coincides with President Geingob’s invocation of Article 32(6) of the Constitution, which allows for the removal of officials appointed by the President through the same process by which they were appointed. As a result, Honorable Walde Ndevashiya, the outgoing Governor of the Ohangwena Region, has been relieved of his duties with immediate effect from November 16, 2023.

President Geingob took the opportunity to express his gratitude to the outgoing Governor, Walde Ndevashiya, for his dedicated service during his tenure as the Governor of the Ohangwena Region.

The appointment of Lieutenant General Ndeitunga and the departure of Governor Ndevashiya is a significant transition in the leadership of the Ohangwena Region.

General Ndeitunga retired from the Namibian Police at the end of August 2022 after he served in the position of Inspector General for more than 17 years.

At the time he said that his tenure as Inspector General was sometimes smooth and at times rough and bumpy.

“But I have managed to finish the race successfully. Thanks to the people of Namibia and to all those who have assisted me,” the General said at the change ceremony at the Israel Patrick Iyambo Police College in Windhoek last year.

At the ceremony, General Ndeitunga handed the management of the Namibian Police over to Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo.

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