Goreangab residents get improved network connection and free WiFi

Stefanus Nashama

After years of poor network connectivity, the residents of the Goreangab informal settlement in Windhoek this week received network towers from PowerCom that will improve their network connectivity and even free WiFi.

Constituency Councilor, Nestor Kalola, yesterday said the tower has brought much relief to residents who have been struggling with network connection over the years, and the free WiFi made it even much better for tertiary students who will use it for their academic work.

He said ever since assuming council duty in 2020, his office has been overwhelmed by residents requesting for improved network connection in the area.

“When I was elected into office, residents have been coming to my office requesting me to address the issue of network in the community,” he said.

This he said pushed him to seek urgent help from PowerCom Company to provide the community with the network tower.

“I am proud of myself, at least I have answered some of the community calls. The tower will also provide free WiFi to the community, but it’s only more accessible to people near the tower,” he said.

Kalola noted that the poor network connectivity experienced in the area also led to people falling victim to crime as they struggled to make urgent calls to the police.

“People have lost their properties to thieves. Even if someone breaks into a ghetto, residents find it difficult to report the incident on time due to poor connection,” he stressed.

According to Kalola, there were two PowerCom Towers launched by the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Peya Mushelenga. This includes the Tower at Goreangab and the other one at Ongos valley.

While speaking during the launch, Mushelenga, said good network connectivity leads to innovation and the emergence of new technological trends in fields such as automation and artificial intelligence.

He thus encouraged the youth to take advantage of opportunities that technology has created.

“In addition to consuming amusement on various social media platforms, utilise the accessibility provided by PowerCom to learn, be creative and become technologically super-knowledgeable,” he motivated.

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