Gibeon conducts property valuations

Martin Endjala

The Gibeon Village Council is conducting a valuation of rateable properties for the entire village.

The primary goal of the on-site inspection is to collect information that the valuers will use to determine the value of each property.

The Council issued a notice dated 17 June, appointing BNK Investment CC as their valuer in terms of Section 67(1) of the Local Authority Act No. 23 of 1992, as amended.

During the valuation process, the appointed valuer will conduct an onsite inspection of every property in Gibeon.

Data collectors will visit houses between 8:00 and 19:00 from Monday to Saturday.

“By allowing data collectors access to your home, accurate information relating to construction and the value of the property can be collected, and you will be assured that an accurate valuation will be compiled. Please provide them with the necessary information they will need from you,” read the notice.

Questions sent to the acting chief executive Pederius Tjihoreko proved to be futile at the time of publication.

The Windhoek Observer wanted to know when the process commenced and when is it expected to be concluded.

The Tsumeb Town Council has also issued a notice dated 24 May, the enforcement of town planning schemes and building by-laws.

According to the notice, property owners are required to visit the Tsumeb Municipal Building Control office to fill out and record their building plans.

All property owners without approved building plans have six months to submit their plans to the council for approval or disapproval in order to regularize their buildings, according to the council resolution (C44/04/24).

The notice states that if you don’t submit within the allotted time, the building will be considered illegal and subject to fines and penalties in accordance with municipal tariffs.

The submission of building plans dictates that they should include all structures, such as permanent and temporary buildings, swimming pools, boundary walls, chimneys, fire laces, and trees within the property’s boundaries.

The council also resolved the enforcement measures to disconnect all water supply to properties found violating town planning schemes and building B-laws.

It further enforced the addition of non-compliance fines to clients’ municipal accounts for non-compliance, including structures built on top of municipal services such as water and electrical lines and in public places.

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