From political activist to law enforcement officer

Ester Mbathera

Sakaria Elago is a name that resonates in the Khomasdal Constituency, where he stood as an independent candidate in the Regional Council’s Elections of 2020.

He transitioned from engaging in political activism through the Affirmative Repositioning (AR) movement to becoming an independent political candidate, and he is currently serving as a law enforcement officer.

This is a testament to his unwavering commitment to social justice, community service, and personal growth.

Elago joined AR in 2020, before the Regional and Local Council Elections.”

“A colleague invited me to the AR headquarters, where I met the leaders of the AR. During that meeting, it was proposed to me that we establish a mutual relationship in order to run a combined election campaign, even though I had already registered as an independent candidate in the election. I accepted the proposal without hesitation because I had already been a follower of AR’s activism and believed that our combined efforts would yield far more effective results, so I willingly went out in Khomasdal Constituency campaigning for the movement and myself without receiving or requesting a single cent,” he said.

His admiration for AR’s activism and his belief in the effectiveness of a united front led him to accept the proposal without hesitation.

He campaigned vigorously in the Khomasdal Constituency, where he rallied support for his regional council candidature and the AR’s bid in the local authority elections.

This effort resulted in two seats for the movement in the City of Windhoek, marking a significant milestone in Elago’s political career.

“The following year, 2021, the movement issued instructions for the establishment of AR communities (branch) nationwide; I took such instructions seriously and established the AR community in Otjomuise, Khomasdal Constituency, which remains the only established and formalised AR branch in the Khomas region. On June 6, 2021, I was democratically elected by registered AR members as the Otjomuise Branch and Khomasdal Constituency Chairperson, and I have since served those who have entrusted me with such responsibilities assiduously and with integrity,” he said.

Internal challenges within the movement led to dissatisfaction among branch members, culminating in a meeting on 1 April 2023. Elago, along with other branch executives, decided to resign from AR.

Reflecting on his journey, Elago expresses gratitude for the opportunities and friendships forged within AR, vowing to continue his activism and commitment to the promises made during the 2020 elections.

Elago’s passion for serving his community extended beyond politics.

He recently completed intensive police training, marking a new chapter in his life as a law enforcement officer.

He is part of the group that recently graduated from the Ruben Danger Ashipala Police Training Centre at Ondangwa.

“When I first thought of police training, I expected to be running and performing physical activities throughout, but I was startled to find that the majority of the time was spent on academics. Even with my university experience, I found the academic component to be the most difficult aspect of training. At times, a random thought of ‘I cannot suffer like this; let me pack my belongings and return home’ would enter my mind. But the will to complete the project always won,” he said.

Elago credits his instructors for shaping him and his peers into disciplined, principled officers.

“These are the brave individuals who leave their families behind to spend nearly nine months with young people hoping to be police officers, grooming them to fulfil their dreams. They may appear harsh and cruel at times, but this is because they had a duty to shape us into the men and women we are today. To all instructors for the 2023–2024 Police Basic Course: you are much appreciated and cherished. To the Police Basic Training Class of 2023-2024: Let us go out there and serve the nation in the principled manner that we were taught,” he said while acknowledging the crucial role the instructors played in his training.

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