Exclusive interview with Helalia Johannes: Marathon Runner/Namibia Defence Force Athletic club

Name : Helalia Johannes
Date of Birth : 13 August 1980
Place of Birth : Oshali in Ohangwena Region
Position : Warrant officer
Organisation : Namibia Defence Force
Position : Marathon Runner
Club : Namibia Defence Force Athletic club

You have been involved in athletes for a longtime, to an extend that you have even been recognized in the Guinness book of world records. Most people do not know who Helalia, Namibia Queen of the Marathon is. Can you share with us who is Helalia?

I am Helalia Johannes, I specialize in middle and long distance running.

My interest in sport began when I was in primary school and I started participating in the school athletics where my fascination for sport grew.

It all started at Oshiya combined school in Oshikoto region where I started running barefoot and won my first competition at school and I qualified to represent my region in Windhoek. I had a successful competition in Windhoek and I was among the learners who was selected to go represent Namibia at Zone 6 in Botswana in 2008 with Namibian School Sport Union National team.

Since then I have been actively competing professionally. I have made 4 appearances in the Olympics games, 3 appearances in the Commonwealth Games and 4 appearances in the World Championships.

My most notable achievements include: a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games in 2018, a bronze medal at the World Championships in 2019, a gold medal at the World Military Championships in 2013, a bronze medal at the Commonwealth Games in 2022, a gold medal at the Dublin Marathon in 2016, a silver medal at the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon in 2017, and I also won the Spar Women Challenge series 10km six times, all with new course records.

My most memorable achievement is that I hold Namibian’s best record in the 5000M, 10km half marathon 21km and full marathon 42km.

What inspired you to pursue a career in running?

My passion for sport was inspired by a runner by the name of Catherin Ndereba who is a well-known Kenya marathon. I have been watching her represent her country at major events, such Olympic Games, world champion and Commonwealth games. Watching her has moved me to begin my professional career.

Can you share one of your proudest moment?

My proudest moment was when I ran my marathon under 2h 20 in Valencia, Spain, I ran 2 h 19, 52s. This was my proudest moment because it was my personal best time and Namibia national record as well as a World leading time. Additionally, I became a Platinum Athlete.

What are some of the most memorable achievements in career?

The most notable ones are: a gold and a bronze medal in the commonwealth games, a bronze medal in the world championships, a gold medal in the world military games and a gold medal in the world military marathon championship

I was awarded the Namibia Sport Woman of the year for the following years: 2006, 2011, 2012, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Additionally, I was awarded the African Union Sports Council Region 5 (SADC countries) Sports Women of the year award in 2023.

Sports as a career is very difficult in Namibia, have you had any lows?

A low point in my sport journey was in the beginning, where there was no funding or equipment for preparation and sponsorship of buying running shoes as they were very expensive. And even throughout my career low funding is an ongoing issue.

How did you overcome it?

I overcome these situations with the little I have, while staying positive and focused on my dream of being coming elite athlete and competing among the best in the World Championships, Commonwealth Games and all African Games.

As an athlete you face lots of setbacks and failure, how do you handle them?

In the face of setbacks and failures I remain positive because I do not allow my failures to define me or my career. I stay focused on my training and eagerly wait for the next event to improve on previous mistakes.

How have you been able to bounce back, after a disappointment or setback?

Being involved in sports requires a lot of discipline and persistence. By maintaining focus and always looking at the bigger picture is the main strategy that I use when I bounce back from injury or any other setbacks in my career.

What do you consider as one of the biggest challenges you encountered during your career?

There has been many challenges over the years, including when I had to run barefooted, but the biggest one has been getting ready for a major event such as World Championships, and you are informed that there is no funding from the Government for travel and accommodation, knowing very well that you will be carrying the Namibian flag high, at these competition. As an athlete it become a double challenge as you have to focus on your training program and at the same time hope you will be able to secure funding in order to represent Namibia at these major events.

Have these challenges assisted in your growth both as an athlete and as a person?

One has to learn how to deal with challenges, and for me, they provide an opportunity to grow. As a professional athlete I have had to equip myself, but also learn from other athlete. I have grown in the areas of time and money management over time, to an extend that I have been able to save money with my family friends and coach in order to prepare for upcoming events.

Do you think you evolved?

Definitely yes, I have grown from an amateur athlete to an elite athlete. I have also excelled in my duties in the Namibian defense force and I have grown on personal level from my interactions with athletes and coaches and sports organizations over the years.

Being a marathon runner, requires a lot of hard work, what have you learnt as an athlete?

Running has taught me that I am capable of going further and faster than I ever imagined. I also learned about the value of discipline. I have learnt that there is “no pain no gain”, therefore there is a lot of work that needed to be done in my training to ensure I perform my best.

Any advice for emerging marathon runners?

I would advise those who want to excel in long distance running to know what they want to achieve in life and how hard they are willing to work, because long distance running requires the 3Ds, which are desire, dedication and discipline.

How do you manage your career and personal life?

Being an athlete, and a professional one for that matter, has taught me over time how to balance things. It’s not easy in the beginning, I manage my time well according to my training calendar and my duties for the Namibia Defense Force, as they offered me enough time to do any training and do my duties in a timely manner. My coach Robert Kaxuxuena organizes a training plan for me that allows me to rest and be prepared for any event.

Which individual has been a sources of inspiration?

Tabitha Tsatsa is a Zimbabwean marathon runner, who encouraged me to take sports seriously and told me to listen to my coach. She also advised that I put more effort in my training, while my coach Robert Kaxuxuena played a bigger role in my sport career, as he is always assisted me with my training and he motivates me as well as advising me on how I should approach my races

How else did Tabitha influence your approach to sport?

Tabitha encouraged me to start marathon running, because she saw my potential and she told me that I was capable of running a marathon, this is after she saw me competing in the Commonwealth games in 2006 and the half marathon in Cape Town, where i came first position with a personal best time as well as a national record.

Robert continues to influence how I train, by providing me with training programs, that I follow religiously, and this has contributed in helping me to break national records in various distances (5000M,10KM, 21KM and 42KM) and many other national and International accolades.

How can you describe your training program?

Typically, my training routine involves: setting clear goals, creating a structured plan, tracking progress, incorporating variety, prioritizing nutrition and recovery. I also seek guidance when needed. In most cases my preparation is not specific and it goes according to the event that, I am preparing for. My coach and I also consider factors such as terrain and the weather I will be running in.

How do you balance your physical preparation with mental and emotional readiness?

It all starts in mind, when you set your mind to it, then your thoughts and vision will physically manifest. I prioritize self-care to recharge and maintain my physical, mental well-being, and emotions. I realized that with proper self-care I am better equipped to handle all challenges.

What aspect of sport do you enjoy most?

I enjoy the most the exhilarating feeling of pushing my limits and the sense of accomplishment when I achieve new personal best in my sport career. The camaraderie and the strong bonds formed with teammates and fellow athletes, as we support each other through the highs and lows of our athletic journey.

Are there any specific challenges or less enjoyable aspects?

Oh yes, there are challenges, in all aspects of life and sports is no different. The most challenges I have faced is when I push myself to the limit and fall at the edge of success, due to getting many injuries a week before a competition. I recalling in 2014 in Glasgow, I ended up not meeting my target due to an injury that I picked up during the competition, whereby I could not compete properly leading me to finishing in position 4 instead of position 3rd.

How do you stay passionate about sport?

Self-motivation and determination keeps me on track, knowingly that whatever I set my mind to is possible, this keeps me engaged with my daily activities. Being mindful to stay present and focused on the task at hand, always help me manage tough times and maintain my passion for my work.

Has your involvement in this sport affected your life outside of it?

My dedication to becoming a better runner has instilled a sense of persistence and goal-oriented thinking that I now apply to my career, leading to increase productivity and achievement in my professional life.

What has been the highlights of your career so far?

I consider the following accomplishments as the highlights of my career so far:

  1. Winning a Bronze medal at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham 2022.
  2. Securing a Gold medal at the CISM Military World Games in 2019.
  3. Being the first female and currently the only one to win a Gold medal at the Commonwealth Games in 2018.
  4. Earning Gold medal at the World Military Marathon Championship.
  5. Receiving the Namibian Sports Woman of the year multiple times in 2006,2011,2018,2019 and 2022.
  6. Achieving the Namibian Sport Star of the year award in 2019.
  7. Being awarded the African Union Sports Council Region 5 (SADC countries) Sports Women of the year award in 2023.

From the accomplishment that you have mentioned is there one that stands out for you?

The most notable accomplishment in my journey is winning Sport Women of the year at the RASA 2023 Sport Awards. This milestone was results of my hard work, dedication and consistently delivering results. This achievement has not only boosted my confidence but also validated my commitment to my career goal and my passion for sports.

What are plan for the future?

In my career, my goal is to reach a leadership position, where meaningful impact on my team and organization. On a personal level, I want to continue exploring hobbies and experiences to maintain a sense of personal growth.

How would you like to be remembered?

My legacy would ideally be that of a mentor and coach, passing on my knowledge and passion to the next generation of athletes, helping them achieve their dreams. I aim to leave a legacy of sportsmanship and fair play, emphasizing the importance of integrity and respect both on and off the field.

Advice to others?

One should know that success in sports often takes time. Be patient with your progress, and stay persistent in your training. Small improvements often add up over time and can lead to significant achievements. Know that it all requires self-discipline, determination, hard work and endless efforts.

Looking back what would you say has been the most valuable experience or lesson that you have from your journey?

One the most valuable lesson, I have gained from my journey is the importance of self-belief, is the foundation that allows me to push beyond limits and achieve what I once thought was impossible, both in sport and in other aspect of life.

If you go back in time, is there anything you would do differently in your career or life time?

Looking back, I would have focused on maintaining more balance perspective, understanding that career success is important, but personal fulfillment and well-being equally crucial aspects of a satisfying life journey.

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