Erongo Region reviews road infrastructure strategy

Niël Terblanché

The Erongo Region held a public participation meeting on Monday to review its Regional Roads Master Plan.

The Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville Andre, pointed out during the official opening of the meeting the importance of a robust and efficient road network for the economic and social well-being of the community.

He added that the meeting is a vital step in ensuring the continued development and maintenance of the region’s road infrastructure.

Andre said that the road network in the Erongo Region plays a fundamental role in supporting key industries such as agriculture, tourism, and mining.

“These sectors are vital to the region’s economy, and the development of infrastructure is essential to their growth,” he said.

Andre reiterated the Namibian government’s commitment, through the Roads Authority, to investing in road infrastructure that can meet the demands of the region’s expanding economy.

The Roads Master Plan serves as a strategic blueprint for the sustainable development and management of the region’s road network.

The review process seeks to evaluate progress, pinpoint obstacles, and enhance strategies to guarantee the achievement of the plan’s objectives.

Andre commended the efforts of all stakeholders involved, including the Erongo Roads Board, the Roads Authority, and the Roads Fund Administration, for their dedication to shaping a resilient and inclusive road infrastructure capable of supporting the region’s aspirations for growth and prosperity.

“This local review comes at a time when the Roads Authority of Namibia is implementing a nationwide plan to expand and upgrade the country’s road network,” he said.

The recently launched N$15 billion five-year Integrated Strategic Business Plan (ISBP) aims to construct and upgrade 700 kilometres of roads to bitumen standard, rehabilitate 715 kilometres of existing roads, and re-gravel 2 800 kilometres across the country by 2027.

The Roads Authority also intends to create nine new NaTIS registering authorities and guarantee a 10% reduction in roads in unsatisfactory condition by 2027.

Andre said that the Erongo Region’s focus on reviewing its Road Master Plan reflects a broader national commitment to improving transportation networks.

“This infrastructure is critical to unlocking economic potential and facilitating social development across the country. Governor Andre’s call for continued collaboration and innovation among stakeholders is a step towards ensuring that the region’s road network meets the needs of today while paving the way for a more connected and prosperous future,” he said.

According to the Governor, the Erongo Region’s efforts, combined with the national strategy, demonstrate Namibia’s dedication to building a road network that supports sustainable development, enhances regional integration, and improves the quality of life for its citizens.

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