Empowering women through fishery operations

Niël Terblanché

In an effort to address gender disparities and promote women’s empowerment within the small-scale fisheries sector in Namibia, a pioneering training workshop was held under the banner “Achieving Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Small-Scale Fisheries.”

The workshop was hosted in Mariental three days and saw the attendance of 23 women, including fisherwomen, fish processors, and fish traders from across Namibia’s 14 regions. The attendees are members of the Namibia Women’s Fisheries Network (NAMFISHNET).

NAMFISHNET is a non-governmental organisation that is independent of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, who were requested to facilitate the event.

NAMFISHNET aims to contribute positively to the small-scale fisheries sub-sector in the country and uplift the socio-economic status of women.

The aim of the event was to discuss opportunities, share experiences, and explore strategies for fostering gender equality in the fishing industry.

The women’s network was established in 2022, and the Namibian network forms part of the African Women Fish Processors’ and Traders’ Network (AWFISHNET). The continental network comprises members from African Union Member States.

The workshop aimed to raise awareness about the importance of women’s participation and inclusion in decision-making processes and to enhance their socio-economic opportunities within the sector.

The workshop also sought to strengthen NAMFISHNET’s organizational capacities and establish lessons learned and key issues noted for informing other Small-Scale Fisheries Organizations (SSFOs) in the future.

The workshop facilitator, Alushe Hitula, a Consultant at FAO Fisheries highlighted the significance of the workshop’s theme.

“Women play an essential role in small-scale fisheries, yet their contributions often go unnoticed or undervalued. This workshop provides a platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange, and capacity-building, enabling us to work together towards achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment,” she said.

Participants from diverse backgrounds and roles shared their insights and experiences during the workshop, highlighting the challenges faced by women in the sector and proposing potential solutions.

Aina Petrus, a NAMFISHNET founder and the chairperson of the organisation, emphasized the economic benefits of empowering women.

“As a woman small-scale fisher in Namibia, I have witnessed firsthand the economic benefits that come with empowering women. When women are given equal access to resources, training, and opportunities, we become powerful contributors to the growth and sustainability of our communities. Investing in women means investing in economic prosperity for all,” she said.

The importance of building supportive networks such as NAMFISHNET, providing access to resources, markets, education, and training, and ensuring fair representation in leadership positions emerged as key areas that need to be addressed in order for women to flourish in the small-scale fisheries sub-sector.

The workshop concluded with the completion of NAMFISHNET’s action plan and the finalization of its constitution.

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